


can haz a T'hy'la? ♥

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“But if you don’t, just relax…and let us play with you a little.”

“I’m not a doll,” Ruki protested immediately

minna tuu halaan. Maanantai 12.11.2007 21:15

I repeated it for a long time. I made you sad for a long time.
I must have hurt you. Now I still cannot move.
Why is it so painful to touch you?
I think it is because I was afraid of making the same mistake and losing you.

I tried to recover the unforgettable days to stay close to each other.
You hold my hand without asking anything.

Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you areÂ…

I love you so much that I forget any suffering.
My heart feels pain every time I count the days we cannot meet.

The loneliness is piling up. Please donÂ’t cry alone.
Even if we are so far away, we can believe each other.

I wish to smile as it is. I donÂ’t want you to hurt yourself.
I don't want to repeat such feelings, which have kept fading each time.
Even if you don't love me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Even if you don't see me tomorrow, I must love you as I do now.
Please, only look at me. Please, donÂ’t let our hands separate.
I will walk together, the future not promised
It keeps walking together, to the future in which you areÂ…

^ fiilikset tosta kappaleesta<3

dadonvidividadon. hoen tota kokoajan DD:Maanantai 12.11.2007 19:27

Did you really love me heartily? Can you really call that love?
Answer... I don't want to die.
Da don vidivi da don again da don vidivi da don
The scream of insomnia. Is the next my turn?


"Lisäksi he riehuvat konserteissa aidosti ja täysillä."

Aoi: Tiedättehän... (alkaa rummuttaa reisiään tahdissa) GAZETTO! GAZETTO! GAZETTO! GAZETTO! (kaikki nauravat)
Reita: Kun kuulemme tuota eurooppalaisten harrastamaa huutoa, innostuksemme ja adrenaliinimme nousevat kattoon asti, vaikka olisimme odottelemassa vielä backstagen puolella.

joulunäytelmäs ._____. nojoo oon ehkä joku huonoin ( ehk sen takii et lievästi ahistaa ihmisten edes puhuminen ;__; ja siks ko oon vaan nii huono!)


ainii ja milla on mun basisti(tai kitaristi 8''D) <33
ihkuu oon joku sokerihiiri.

hello,my dear, kill me, gently.Lauantai 10.11.2007 20:50

Forget me... For me... you can't save it.
It's wrong? Answer me
See, let your eyes
Sway and waver
Beacuse there is nothing
But lies and spilled tears

joo heräsin 12.38Lauantai 10.11.2007 15:16

sit mimma keitti mulle teetä, laitoin koneen päälle, tulin dataan ja syömään suklaat<2
aika hyvä aamupala.