


I am the wind blowing through your hair.

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 04.02.2009 01:10

Yeah sure, I'm so fucking happy I shit rainbows and vomit pink ponies.

Scorpions - Still Loving YouKeskiviikko 04.02.2009 00:59

Time, it needs time
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can bring back your love someday
I will be there, I will be there

Fight, babe, I'll fight
To win back your love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, only love
Can break down the walls someday
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again
I'm loving you

Try, baby, try
To trust in my love again
I will be there, I will be there
Love, our love
Just shouldn't be thrown away
I will be there, I will be there

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Your pride has built a wall so strong
That I can't get through
Is there really no chance
To start once again

If we'd go again
All the way from the start
I would try to change
The things that killed our love
Yes, I've hurt your pride and I know
What you've been through
You should give me a chance
This can't be the end
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving you
I'm still loving, I need your love
I'm still loving you

Mä en kadu.Tiistai 03.02.2009 22:20

It's our time to shine through the down
Glorified by what is ours
We've fallen in love
It was the best idea I ever had

Today I fell and I felt better
Just knowing this matters
I just feel stronger and sharper
I found a box of sharp objects what a beautiful thing

P.S. My hair is yellow.Tiistai 03.02.2009 00:36

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 22:54

Let's play some russian roulette, shall we?

naminami^^Sunnuntai 01.02.2009 01:44

Karo ihana ihminen tilas mulle leathermouthin levyn netistä <3 ihana immeinen <3x10000
Ja muutenki tänää ollu kivvaa ja kaikkee :) Ja oon saanu suklaatiaki Ü

Three Days Grace - Just Like YouPerjantai 30.01.2009 01:08

TO-TO-TODAYTiistai 27.01.2009 23:55

+ mcr:n radiointerviewwi :3

POSSUTiistai 27.01.2009 01:14

Aw katottiin vanhoja videoita mitä pappa on ottanu joskus vuonna nakki ja pottu. Toisinsanoen vuonna 2003. Ah olen ihana. Mutta pointti olikin kertoa Ilonasta, joka tuolloin oli kaksivuotias.

Elikkäs, video oli otettu ennen joulua, tehtiin mummolassa pipareita. Pappa kuvas pelkästään Ilonaa jolle oli kaulittu kauniisti taikina valmiiksi ja tökätty muotit naaman eteen. Se jotai siinä puheli sit itekseen:

"Nyt mää teen possuja. Tuohon possu... Ja tuohon possu.. Possu.. Possu.." Samalla se sit paineli niitä kuvioita siihen taikinaan. Sit se vissii vähä innostu ku se alko hakkaamaan sitä taikinaa sillä muotilla ja huus:

"Possupossupossupossupossupossu!" Joka kerta tuli uus possu. Harmi vaan et ne meni aina toistensa päälle ku se hakkas niitä iha innoissaan siihen taikinaan :'/

Oliko ees sulonen.

TOMORROWMaanantai 26.01.2009 22:44