


iiris! mokomakin todellisuudesta irtautunut taidehippi!


- Vanhemmat »

nature's law (performed by embrace)Lauantai 07.04.2007 23:55

i tried to fight the feeling, the feeling took me down
i struggle and i lost the day you knocked me out
now everything's got meaning, the meanings bring me down
i'm watching as a screening of my life plays out

every day i fight these feelings
for your sake i will hide the real thing
you can run all your life, all mine i will chase

you should never fight your feelings
when your very bones believe them
you should never fight your feelings
you have to follow natures law

i'll live with never knowing, if knowings gonna change
i'll stop a feeling growing, i will stay away
like a broken record, stuck before a song
a million beginnings, none of them the one

every day i fight these feelings
for your sake i will hide the real thing
you can run all your life, all mine i will chase

you should never fight your feelings
when your very bones believe them
you should never fight your feelings
you have to follow natures law

i wrote him letters and tried to send them
in a bottle i place my hope
an s.o.s full of good intentions sinking
will you give it to me, don't make me wait
you built me up, knocked me down
but i will stand my ground
and guard this light that i've found

you should never fight your feelings
when your very bones believe them
if you let them show, you'll keep them
i know your hurt but soon you'll rise again, again, again

päivän englanninkieliset mietteetLauantai 07.04.2007 23:31

sometimes i wonder if my feelings are true because every time i look at the mirror i look so damn calm


i want you to notice me because i'm so damn shy that i just can't do this by myself

Kirjoitin runon.Maanantai 19.03.2007 22:02

I had my way
just yesterday
Now I don't know anymore
where's the roof or where's the floor

So I sit here alone
Sing to webcam microphone
about all this mess
I pray that God would bless

School is on the second place
in this insane life-called maze
Computer is my love you see
There in MSN I'll be

There I have my social life
As a man I'd have no wife
Playing CS night and day
Who would live with that kind of gay?

I hate movies, I hate plays
I hate shows where Simon says
"You can't sing or you can't dance,
you have nothing to enhance."

I would like to be something
Anthropologist or anything
Would be fun to be a doctor
or maybe sing like Hector

My friends don't appreciate me
they don't love my poetry
disagree in everything
Would they like to hear me sing?

Dreams I have too much I guess
I would like to have them less
I hate dreaming about that boy
but the cat is nice – her name will be Joy

Everyone makes fun of me
I'm bullied as you can see
My life sucks and I could die
Before that I'd like to eat apple pie

It's a joy that my mom can cook
I just need to read a book
and wait until there's food on table
All the time there's food available

That's why I'm so fucking fat
And for sure you can see that
That's why all my friends ar gone
Who wants a friend who weighs about ton?

No, no, this is not the end
I just have to go to bed
- just kidding, I'm going to eat
French fries, pizza and some meat

I will write again too soon
Maybe tomorrow in the afternoon
Maybe earlier if I have any time
I still have to plan the perfect crime

*ekstrana Jannen runoja:*

Birds will fly
even if I die
None will ever love me
I'd like to have a really good shit

I'd love to have a shit
but all I got was a hit
from this cold, evil nature
..but imagine all the pleasure!

Eating apple is pie
and place that they call hell is die

*okei melkein yhtä hyviä kun mun runot!*

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.02.2007 20:21

Kirjoita yhteisöhakuun yhdeksän ystäväsi nimi ja 'on' sana perään.
esim: 'Erkki on', ja lisää yhteisö päiväkirjamerkintöösi.

Riikka: Riikka on bodari.
Anna: Anna on sekaisin päästään
Anu: Anu on koiranaama!
Maiju: maiju on saletisti jääkaapilla.
Riina: Riina on pornohiiri
Marsu: Marsu on murha!
Eve: Eve on hirvee ja sitä vihataan!!
Kaisa: Kaisa on juoppo.

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 06.01.2007 00:42

Riikka on aika huuli jätkä !

anugoraan lauseLauantai 06.01.2007 00:41

A: Hei, mulla on idea, lähetäänkö yliopistoon opiskelee fysiikkaa!
T: Joo!
A: Me varmaan päästäski sinne.
T: Kyllä me päästäs ku me ollaa nii neroja.
A: Niin paitsi sinä. Hei, haluutko kuulla, mä keksin uuden! :D "Mitä yhteistä on Anulla ja Tiinalla? *naurua* -Molemmat pääsee yliopistoo opiskelee fysiikkaa paitsi Tiina!"
T: Aika huono.

heijeeLauantai 30.12.2006 17:31

oisinpa hauska. niin voisin kirjottaa hauskoja juttuja !

voi pylly oispa asiaa.

mut ei.
- Vanhemmat »