


kuinka? kekä? kute? Käse? Käh käh?

:'<Lauantai 02.01.2010 21:20

no halo for xmas

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 01.01.2010 21:28

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 31.12.2009 16:48

k a h v iTorstai 31.12.2009 14:55


oih<3Keskiviikko 30.12.2009 01:45

oh luovuus iskeeSunnuntai 27.12.2009 22:02

I am so sorry to say, I'm disappearing today,
sometimes I just cannot face myself.
I promise today will be last the day
of my selfpity and everything else.

Dog PaddlingTorstai 24.12.2009 21:18

Freestyle swimming, will fill my ears with water
I'd better dive without having to to go under the surface.
Breaststroke is like freefalling from skyhigh.
I try to get to you, i can't get on.
Kick and draw, I repeat endlessly to myself
I wonder if I finally crossed the waterfront.
Buying a boat is too expenssive,
rowing is as useless as swimming.
Dog paddling is so hard
and it doesn't keep me up very long
and I feel like cat in the water.
Oh why do you have to live across the ocean?

Water is the only block between us,
but why oh why I can't swim?
The greatest teacher can't make me learn,
I will only drown again.
I wrote a letter to you "I can't do this."
You wrote me back "Oh love, it's matter of will.
You have to believe in yourself and me.
I'll be waiting."
Dog paddling is so hard
and it doesn't keep me up very long.
and I feel like cat in the water.
Oh why do you have to live across the ocean?

Oh the Ocean is so cold today,
the water is freezing,
I wish we could sail away,
somewhere. Just you and me.
Dog paddling is so hard
and it doesn't keep me up very long
and I feel like cat in the water.
Oh why do you have to live across the ocean?

Löysin vanhan tekstin jostain 2001 - 2004. Biisin nimi oli Uimataidoton ja se kertoi samanmoisesta tilanteesta.
Tosin se oli joku hiphop-höpötys ja enhän mä enää semmosia harrasta. Joten päätin kääntää tän enkuks ja tehdä siitä semmosen hauska poppis-biisin.

oawKeskiviikko 23.12.2009 20:50

RAWR!Keskiviikko 23.12.2009 20:49