
Lisää Harmia :)Torstai 19.06.2008 20:33

Kolme suloista kisua syntyi 4.6. <3

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 15.06.2008 21:08

huvittais hakata päätä seinään muttei jaksa

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 29.05.2008 19:31

[Ei aihetta]Lauantai 17.05.2008 19:42

sisänen valo ?

niinkuin olisin nielly kaktuksenPerjantai 09.05.2008 12:01

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 17.04.2008 22:35

jahuu aurinkoooooooohhhhh!

Vitun kehuskelia :] Maanantai 10.03.2008 19:02

Mä ostin lakritsi eläimii, hedelmä karkkii, kaks pussii toblerone suklaatii, yhen pötkön tobleronee, turkinpippureita ja pussillisen lakupötköjä :p nammmmm...

Mä lähen ny laivalle :-)Lauantai 08.03.2008 15:15


Lauantai 16.02.2008 22:58

Never stop the car on a drive in the dark
Never look for the truth in your mother's eyes
Never trust the sound of rain upon a river rushing through your ears

Arriving somewhere but not here

Did you imagine the final sound as a gun?
Or the shattered windows of a car?
Did you ever imagine the last thing you'd hear as you're fading out was a song?

All my designs simplified And all of my plans compromised All of my dreams sacrificed

Ever had the feeling you've been here before?
Drinking down the poison the way you were taught
Every thought from here on in your life begins and all you knew was wrong?

Did you see the red mist block your path?
Did the scissors cut a way to your heart?
Did you feel the envy for the sons of mothers tearing you apart?

<3Torstai 14.02.2008 10:56

kannatti tulla töihin tänään. openhuoneen pöytä (joka on iso) on TÄYNNÄ karkkii, suklaatii, kakkuu.... :D jiphii!