


you know, you're in love when you cant fall asleep, cause reality is finally better than your dreams

ihqTorstai 27.05.2010 23:27

People are all the same and we only get judged by what we do personality reflects name

ihqTorstai 27.05.2010 17:12

mä muistan kasvosi, muistan kaiken,
unohtamaa sua mä en koskaan tule vaikket
ole täällä enää kun teen tän kirjeen
et pystynytkään sä jäämään mun viereen

mutta en unohda et kuljet mun kanssani
näät mut sieltä kaukaa taivaastakin
jokainen yö aina kun nukun
nään unissani silmäsi, niihin mä hukun

mä tunnen sut iha ku pitäisit kiinni
mun kädestäni, halusin muistuttaa sua
vielä kerran et olit olemassa mulle hetken verran

nolifeKeskiviikko 26.05.2010 01:19

vitusti se sattuu ja vitusti se vahvistaa, mut onks vahvistuminen sen arvost?


nolifeKeskiviikko 26.05.2010 00:50



nolifeTiistai 25.05.2010 00:47

i remember all this when we went to nice trip to saaras home in varkausi.
we singed that music, which makes me sad at this moment.
we were young, you were together, but still dad didn't came with us.
i remember the moment of joy, when we were in that special park, and we had FUN together, then were xmas and i remember how we all were together open the presents and had fun. i remember when the santa comed in to our house and gave me a sweet little pony. i remember that all. i remember when i ran after your car, cause i didn't want to leave you, but then you said "if you go back to home, you can have an icecream." and i ran back to our home. i remember all those good things, we did when you were together.

but now i remember only the pain, sadness, which comes back all the time, when we have a little moment of joy. why does it have to be so hard to have fun, withaot that fucking pain you left behind? why i can't see any light on this darkness?

nolifeMaanantai 24.05.2010 02:03

tajuttiin siis et määki osaan grillata

niija sytyttää sen paskan :D

nolifeMaanantai 24.05.2010 01:14

If you can't get someone out of your mind, maybe they're supposed to be there.

nolifeMaanantai 24.05.2010 00:48

noni vitu kiva meil tulee kissa :D

nolifePerjantai 21.05.2010 17:08


nolifePerjantai 21.05.2010 01:05

I'm not that kind of girl, who gives up just like that