


tykkää Pippureista

viduTorstai 27.04.2006 18:06

mua väsyttää.. nukuinpäiväunet. 2 TUNTII!!! voi ärsyttäää nyt. mun meikkipussi on edelleen kadoksissa...löytyispäse. tänään harkat. illal läksyt. jopo kiitää tänään ja tuol on ihana ilma ja mä vaan nukuin.kuumaki. arskaa vois mennä ottaa... huooh. yyyeah

All The Lazy Dykes

All the lazy dykes, Cross armed at the palms, Then legs astride their bikes, Indigo burns on their arms
One sweet day, An emotional whirl, You will be good to yourself, And you'll come and join the girls

All the lazy dykes, They pity how you live, Just "somebody's wife", You give, and you give,
And you give, and you give, Give, and you give
And one sweet day , An emotional whirl, You will be good to yourself, And you'll come and join the girls

Touch me, Squeeze me, Hold me too tightly, And when you look at me you actually see me
And I've, Never felt so alive, In the whole of my life, In the whole of my life

Free yourself, Be yourself, Come to the Palms and see yourself
And at last your life begins, At last your life begins
At last your life begins, At last your life begins

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