


Maybe it's not too late to learn how to love and forget how to hate.

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stupid things about meTiistai 20.03.2007 13:01


(001) Your gender: female

(002) Straight/gay/bi?: Straight

(003) Single?: yes

(004) Want to be?: no

(005) Age?: 19

(006) Age you wish you were: i don't know.. maybe 20

(009) The color of your eyes: blue

(010) Piercings: tongue, nose, 2 lip, ear...

(012) Tattoos: not yet


(013) Smoke: when i'm totally wasted sadly

(015) Read the newspaper: sometims

(017) Talk to strangers who IM you: no

(018) Take walks in the rain: no

(019) Drive: no

(020) Like to drive fast?: i cannot drive

(021) Hurt yourself: yep


(022) Been out of the country: lol yeah

(023) Been in love: REALLY in love? i don't think so

(024) Done drugs: sure

(025) Gone skinny dipping: in shower :p

(026) Had a surgery: what's that?

(027) Ran away from home: yep

(028) Played strip poker: no but "flaschendrehen"

(029) Gotten beat up: ?

(031) Been on stage: yes

(032) Slept outdoors: yes

(034) Pulled an all-nighter: ?

(036) Talked on the phone all night: no but in internet

(038) Slept all day: of course

(039) Killed someone: yes, an grashuepfer, r.i.p.

(040) Made out with a stranger: yoo

(041) Had sex with a stranger?: yoo :
D of course not.

(042) Kissed the same sex: yes

(043) Done anything sexual with the same sex? yo. :

(044) Been betrayed: ?

(045)Broken the law: ha yeah

(047) Been on radio/tv: yeah i am famous and soon u will all jealous of me

(048) Been in a mosh-pit: ?

(049) Had a nervous breakdown: joo

(050) Been criticized about your sexual performance: o_O

(051) Had a dream that kept coming back: always

(052) Favorite shoe brand?: idk

(053) Favorite music:

(054) Wear hats: no

(055) Judged other people by their clothing: yes

(057) Are you trendy: no


(058) Life on other planets: yes

(059) Miracles: yes

(060) Astrology: yes

(061) Magic: yes

(062) God: no

(063) Love: noo.. i guess not

(064) Ghost: yes

(065) Rebirth: yeah, before i was a fish :D

(066) Love at first sight: mhmmhmm

(067) Ying and Yang?: joo

(068) Witches: jjes

(069) The Easter Bunny: OF COURSE :DD

(071) Do you consider love a mistake: yes

(072) What do you find romantic: laying on the grass next to a wood with ur sweetheart and drink some beer (for me lonkero please)

(074) Turn-offs: -.-

(075) Do you base your judgement on looks alone: ?

(076) Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone and physically unattracted?: hä?!

(077) What is best about the opposite sex?: lange schneidezahn.. XD

(078) What is the last present someone got you?: cannot remember

(079) Do you like/love someone?: joo


(080) That you laughed at: sorry i am too tired to laugh

(081) That laughed at you: fuck ppl who laugh about me

(082) That turned you on: jann :

(082.5) That kissed you: i guess swantje :D<3

(083) That you went shopping with : salla<3 but it was was alc shopping i guess :D

(084) To disappoint you: he is not worth

(085) To make you cry: i'll never want cry anymore because fucking ppl

(086) To brighten up your day: ?

(087) You saw a movie with: alone

(088) You talked to on the phone: watch question (084)

(089) You talked to on messenger: teemu

(090) You talked to on text message: jysky lol

(091) Your best friend: have none

(095) Bought something: yesterday, chocolate, kola and a chicken soup lol

(096) Danced: saturday/sunday morning

(097) Who is your crush: fuck

i really hate one person.Maanantai 19.03.2007 16:33

the person who always tease me. fuck yourself. u think u're so cool because u are in a band? hah u are nothing...


german - english (:DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD)Tiistai 06.03.2007 17:55

Some important phrases:

01.) That have you you so thought! (Das hast du dir so gedacht!)

02.) Give not so on! (Gib nicht so an!)

03.) Heaven, ass and thread! (Himmel, Arsch und Zwirn!)

04.) Mealtime (Mahlzeit!)

05.) Of again see! (Auf Wiedersehen!)

06.) Us runs the water in the mouth together. (Uns läuft das Wasser im Mund zusammen.)

07.) Human being Meier! (Mensch Meier!)

08.) I only understand railstation... (Ich verstehe nur Bahnhof...)

09.) My dear Mister singing-club! (Mein lieber Herr Gesangsverein!)

10.) Now we sit quite beautiful in the ink... (Jetzt sitzen wir ganz schön in der Tinte...)

11.) Your English is under all pig! (Dein Englisch ist unter aller Sau!)

12.) Slow going is all truck's beginning. (Müßiggang ist aller Laster Anfang.)

13.) Now can come what wants. (Nun kann kommen was will.)

14.) to have a jump in the dish (einen Sprung in der Schüssel haben)

15.) to have much wood before the cottage (viel Holz vor der Hütte haben)

16.) to have not all cups in the board (nicht alle Tassen im Schrank haben)

17.) together-hang-less (zusammenhanglos)

18.) If you think you can beat me over the ear, you are on the woodway.
(Wenn du denkst, du kannst mich über's Ohr hauen, bist du auf dem Holzweg.)

19.) I'm heavy on wire. (Ich bin schwer auf Draht.)

Some German cities:

a) Ash-monkey-castle (Aschaffenburg)

b) Bathroom-rich-echo (Bad Reichenhall)

c) Double-u-upper-valley (Wuppertal)

d) How's bathing (Wiesbaden)

e) Raw-stick (Rostock)

f) Rectal-town (Darmstadt)

g) Spice-castle (Würzburg)

h) Theremouth (Dortmund)

i) To-sitdown-home (Hockenheim)

j) Top-of-the-train (Zugspitze)

girly quizzzzTiistai 27.02.2007 00:06

What color is your bra?
black with an strass flower

Do you straighten your hair everyday?

Do you worry about the size of your boobs?
no :D

What's your favorite girly magazine?
"mädchen" (german magazine)

Would you kill for chocolate?

Jeans or skirts?

Do you wear clothes/shoes/jewelry that's uncomfortable?
sometimes yeah

Did you ever spend all day/night getting pretty for a guy?
no :D

Would you leave the house without makeup on?

Do you consider making out "unladylike"?

On a scale of 1-10, how fun is shopping (ten being the highest):

Are you spoiled?

Do you think lipgloss is the best?:

Do you freak out if you miss your favorite show?
freaking out not, but getting made yeah

Do you yell a lot?

How long does it take you to get ready in the morning?
i dont need any time in the morning because for my job i can stay "ugly" haha ;D

Do you wear sweatpants/pajama pants to school/work?

Accessories make the outfit; true or false:
i dont mind

Do you like skater boys?

Is pink truly the best colour in the entire universe?
yep and black

Lip gloss a must?


Have you ever dressed unlike yourself to impress a guy?

Do you often wish there was something you could change?

Gold or silver?:

Do you dress up too much for holidays?

Do you like wearing dressess?

Do you write a lot of mushy love poems?

How much do guys confuse you on a scale of 1-10?
10000 :D

What makeup product could you NOT live without?
black eyeliner !!!!

1 word.Maanantai 26.02.2007 18:17

Not as easy as you might think.

1. Where is your cell phone?

2. Your boyfriend/girlfriend?

3. Your hair?

4. your mother?
gertraud :D <3

5. Your father?
werner ^^

6. Your favorite thing?

7. Your dream last night?

8. Your favorite drink?

9. What are you doing?

10. The room you're in?

11. Your ex?

12. Your fears?
nothin' special

13. What do you want to be in 10 years?
michi ^^

14. Who did you hang out with last night?
sarah & celine

15. What you're not?
blonde :p

16. Muffins?

17. One of your wish list items?

18. Where you grew up?
berg/metten/deggendorf :D

19. The last thing you did?

20. What are you wearing?

21. Your TV?

22. Your pet?

23. Your computer?

24. Your life?

25. Your mood?
full (ate too much :D)

26. Missing?

27. What are you thinking about right now?

28.Your car?
have none

29. Your work?

30. Your summer?
hot -.-

31. Your relationship status?

32. Your favorite color?

33. When is the last time you laughed?

34. Last time you cried?
en tiedä

35. School?

ja bluuuuadsPerjantai 23.02.2007 14:22

sakrafix, sand ned grod d ross ausbrocha :D :O
hammas wida eifanga miassn de wuidn deifen -.-so soakoid is und da muas i durch meddahouha schnä renna um de ros ei zumfanga.. derfs ja ned gem.. -.-

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 23.02.2007 13:57


::Full Name::: michaela b...
::Nicknames::: schikki mikki, mitsii, michiiiii
::Age::: 19
::Gender::: female
::Where You Live::: finland
::Sexual Orientation::: not sure :D
::Single/Happy with it::: single
::Siblings::: mili <333
::Pets::: dogs: heta & veera, horses: perli,mikki,miksu. cat: late
::Screen name::: mitsii

::Hair Color::: black
::Hair length::: long
::Eye Color::: blue
::Height::: 168cm
::Piercings::: tongue, nose, lip and tomorrow second lipring ;), and ears of course..
::Tattoos::: -
::Shoe Size::: 39 european
::Jeans Size::: 38/40 :DDDDDDDDDD german size,
::Make-Up::: blak black blaaack eyessss
::Dye Your Hair::: yes

::Food::: pizza
::Drink::: red lonkero
::Color::: black pink
::Store::: h&m
::Movie::: la boum
::Kind Of Alcohol:::red lonkero
::Ice Cream Flavor::: cookie taste
::Book::: christiane f. wir kinder vom bahnhof zoo
::Season::: autumn
::Video Game::: -

::Smoked a cigarette::: yes
::Done Any Drugs::: - :p
::Gotton Drunk::: yes
::Gone Skinny Dipping::: ?
::Bonged A Beer::: ehh?
::Had Sex::: :D
::Kissed Same Sex::: yes
::Done Anything Sexual With Same Sex::: yes :DDDD
::Eaten Sushi::: yes
::Broken A Bone::: yes

::Like Your Handwriting::: no
::Have Any Bad Habbits::: yeah
::Hate Yourself::: no :D
::Shy::: sometimes
::Tolerant Of Others::: yes
::Aggressive Or Passive::: both
::Have A Journal::: no
::Emotionally Strong::: no
::Read The News Paper::: yes
::Confident::: ?

::Is There A God::: yeah satan :D
::Does He Have A Gender::: ?
::Do Ghosts Exists::: yes
::What About Witches::: yes
::Miracles::: yes
::What Do You Think About Abortion::: ?
::Premarital Sex::: dont understand
::Life On Other Planets::: yeah
::Porn::: haha :DD funny^^
::Cosmetic Surgery::: nooo

::Sing Well::: joo
::Play An Instrument::: yepp
::Write Well::: yes
::Skateboard::: no
::Take A Shot Without A Chaser::: what?
::Say the Alphabet Backwards::: yes
::Snow Board::: no
::Juggle::: no
::Do A Split::: no
::Draw::: no

::Plan On Marriage::: no
:: Kids::: en tiedä nyt
::And Their Names::: anything finnish
::Occupation::: barchef in amadeus :D
::Where You Want To Live::: tampere
::Big Or Small House::: big
::Do You Want To Live Near People::: no
::Long Driveway Or Short::: short
::Income::: enough
::Cars::: i cannot drive

::Wal-mart/Target::: ?
::Chocolate/Vanilla::: choccccco
::Night/Day::: night
::McDonalds/Burger King::: mcdonalds
::Cats/Dogs::: dogs
::Fruits/Veggies::: fruits
::Pillows/Blankets::: pillows
::Pepsi/Coke::: coke
::Alcohol/Weed::: alcohol
::Reading/Writing::: reading

::Biggest Fear::: to have no money -.-
::Compliment You Get Often::: i think my eyes :D
::What Would You Change About Yourself::: nothing.
::Regrets::: some
::Gotten Arrested::: no
::Are You Ticklish::: yes
::Longest Relationship::: haha good joke :D
::Regrets::: already answered that
::How Much TV Do You Watch::: not a lot
::What color Is Your Room::: wood

**Ten Things Survey** Perjantai 23.02.2007 13:46

Ten Fav's

Televison show:: The L Word (L-Koodi)
Flower:: Gänsebluemchen :p
Color:: black and pink
Sport:: concerts^^
Store:: H&M
Music:: too much to count
Food:: pizza
Season:: autumn
Animal:: dog and leibitsch
City:: tampere

Ten Facts

Hometown:: deggendorf
Hair Color:: black
Hair Length:: long
Hair Style:: messy ;D
Eye Color:: blue
Mood:: wasted :D
Orentation:: not sure :---D
Available?: yeah
Lefty or Righty:: righty

Ten Things About Your Life

Have you ever been in love?: yes
Do you believe in love?: yes
Why did your last relationship fail?: en tiedä
Have you ever been heart broken?: yes
Have you ever borken someone's heart?: en tiedä
Have you ever fallen for your best friend?: no but he in me :D
Have you loved someone, but never told them?: yes
Are you afraid of commitment?: yes
Have you ever had a secret admirer?: en tiedä
Do you believe in love at first sight?: mmhmh

Ten things: This or That

Love or Money:: love
Hard Liquor or Beer:: hard liquor :D
One night stands or relationships:: one night stands :D
TV or Internet:: internet
Pepsi or coke:: coke
Wild night out or romantic night in:: both
Black & White or color photos:: both
Phone or in person:: person
AIM or Myspace:: myspace

Ten Have You Evers

Have you ever been caught sneaking out?: ?
Have you ever skinny dipped?: ?
Have you ever done something you regret?: yes
Have you ever bungee jumped?: no
Have you ever been on a house boat?: yes
Have you ever finished an entire jaw breaker?: ?
Have you ever wanted someone so badly it hurt?: yes .........
Have you ever been caught by your parents doing it?: ?

Ten Emotions

Are you missing someone right now?: yes
Are you happy?: no
Are you talking to anyone right now?: no
Are you bored?: yes
Are you german?: yes
Are you irish?: no
Are you french?: no
Are you Italian?: no
Are your parents still married?: no
Do you like someone right now?: no