
it's me, or isn't it?Sunnuntai 20.01.2008 14:26

Open your eyes and look at me well once again.
Reality and dreams, how different they are.
The love that you wanted, the girl that you dreamt of in your heart;
Can you answer yourself, it's me, or isn't it?
Do you feel ashamed when you walk with me
To hold hands with me, are you proud of that at all?
For I'm prepared to do as according to your heart.
I'm not superb, just a person upon the sand on the ground.
I'm not a princes that can let you have everything.
I have just two hands that are ready to do for you with true love
Never a day will I abandon you ... and let you have to be sad.
Do you feel ashamed when you walk besides me?
Look at my eye, however much relief there is.
Although still not good enough, there's also no need to be shy.
Want to hold hands with me forever or not?

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