


"Our fading cries embrace the skies, Nonhuman-era has arrived"

niinpä niin : DDSunnuntai 07.02.2010 01:05

Oolen pieni nalle vain... PILLUA!!! xDDD

PERKELE!Lauantai 06.02.2010 01:12

paska reissu mut tulipaha tehtyä -.-''

Vittu mä sanon kans!!!

no subject :oSunnuntai 24.01.2010 21:01

Oli taas iiiihan mahtava vkl.
Kiitos niille jotka oli osallisena =)

...Perjantai 15.01.2010 23:32

A funeral for the masses, gates of death are open...

^^Perjantai 15.01.2010 23:31

Kiitos kaikille ketkä onnitteli ja ihan näin YLEISESTI kiitän kun en jaksa kaikille vastata yksittöin =)

Tänks all<3

[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 04.01.2010 22:17

10 MOAR!!!!! >:D

With bare hands I snap your neck!Sunnuntai 27.12.2009 18:51

Obsessed in guts and gore
Whore hating carnivore
Laugh now 'cos you'll never laugh again
With bare hands I snap your neck

Gut tearing sodomy
As I begin the butchery
Uncontrolled Brutality
Cut throat victims unaware they're...

Heading towards the butchery
Heading towards the butchery

He came with an axe in his hands-he came to hack
He came with knives and blades to slash the living flesh
To kill them all in a blood spraying carnage
To kill them with a vengeance
Dead bodies I leave behind
To be discovered in pieces

Laugh now 'cos you'll never laugh again
With bare hands I snap your neck
Teaching a lesson in violence, only you end up dead
To kill them all in a blood spraying carnage
To kill them with a vengeance
Dead bodies I leave behind
To be discovered in pieces

Obsessed in guts and gore
Whore hating carnivore
Laugh now 'cos you'll never laugh again
With bare hands I snap your neck

Gut tearing sodomy
As I begin the butchery
Uncontrolled Brutality
Cut throat victims unaware they're...

Heading towards the butchery
Heading towards the butchery

Twisted personality
Something grows in within
I feel like killing!!!

@ TeppeLauantai 19.12.2009 00:59


oli se taas kiva kävellä samun kans aamu kuuden aikaa teboilii aamukaffel :D

Muutenki nii vitun hyvä viikko ollu =) taino... osittain ainaki.

Hyvät yöt kaikille ja jnejne!!! JOULUJA KANS STNA!!!!

nukkumaan? tuskinMaanantai 14.12.2009 06:09

kai sitä PITÄIS mennä :D
Ei vaan innosta vielä ^^

mreh!Keskiviikko 09.12.2009 17:15

Kyl hei muakin VITUTTAIS olla lukios =( Onse helppoo kun on AMIS ja on LOMAAAAAAAAAAAA!!!!!!!!!<3

Up your's Lukio!!!! :p