


textin w/ a friendPerjantai 13.02.2009 07:28

B: What up in Pahrump?
T: Hey. What's up. I'm fine. My day has been kinda weird. I dunno. I've been really sad, pissed, happy, exited, all the feelings in the same time so yeah. What's up w/ u?
B: Haha, wow thats a lot of feelings :D how come ?
TI dunno. Kinda lot going on rigth now.. My mom and brother r comin in 1week and 6days and everything. How was ur day ?
B: Haha ow ur family is coming :D sounds like fun haha. my day was awesome allday busy packing up and stuff like that..
T: Packing?
B: Yeah :D i am moving on saturday morning i have an awesome family :D this is gonna be so much fun
T: U move to Vegas or stay in Moapa?
B: No not Vegas xD overtom just like a mail or somethin from my old family:D but they r ver active and my favorite exchange student in moapa moved in today w/ the best friends of my hostfamily and that is going to be very excitin
T: cool :)

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