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- Vanhemmat »

Absolute shockMaanantai 17.03.2008 05:15

Yesterday was quite a day. My brother and I were at lunch when we learned that my aunty (who is only 36, thin, and ridiculously healthy) had had a massive stroke. I went with my dad down to Pottsville (northern NSW) to pick up my grandmother who was almost inconsolable. Amazingly we did 350km in a little over 2 hours :o

I haven't heard any news on her condition today, but when I saw her yesterday (which was the most distressing image I've ever seen) she could only open her eyes. Her legs and arms would sometimes move but probably only due to muscle spasms. She was given this injection that can clear all the arteries, clots, etc, but the side-effect is that it can cause another stroke and kill her. When we left the hospital last night she was in the intensive care unit, and I really hope she made it through the night.

PLEASE PEOPLE: Look after your bodies, and keep your cholesterol and blood pressure LOW

hmmm... weddingsPerjantai 14.03.2008 16:37

Managed to find the exact style of dress I want today, but not in the colour that I want (which is a dark violet/mauve colour)... so it seems I'll have to get one made. Not surprised. But I got these uber cool T-bar style shoes, which are going to be great for dancing! :)

Oh, and a day of shopping wouldn't be complete without dealing with pretentious old moles who work department stores or equally pretentious cafes. No, I don't appreciate your slack service when I'm paying $17 for a piece of shitty bread (which turned out to have advocado in it, which I can't eat)... and no, I don't find it helpful when you only show me the dinner sets that you (in your might mighty intelligence) perceive that I'll be interested in or can afford.
So for all you slags that choose to pass judgment and be bitchy to any poor-soul who comes to ask for your assistance, I say this:

.... You work in a shop (and no, you don't own it).

Meanwhile, the new version of King Kong is such a terrible film. I'm watching it now, and regretting every moment. Think it would have to be put in the "Worse Films Claire's ever seen" category right next to Shoot Em Up, Ichi the Killer (and yes I know it has a cult following, and don't quite understand that).
Oh well, I can't get married without a fiance, and right now he's asleep :/ So King Kong it is...
- Vanhemmat »