
New Moon castingTorstai 08.01.2009 20:17

Initial New Moon Casting Calls Leaked

Sam Uley: 20 years old, he is a tall, strong Quileute Indian with cropped hair and a fierce expression, he is the leader of the wolf pack.
Jared and Paul: 17 and 18 years old, respectively. They are Quileute Indians, friends of SamÂ’s, with cropped hair, sleeveless shirts and cut offs. They watch Bella with ferocity in their eyes. They are in the wolf pack.
Embry Call: 16 years old, he is a tall, thin, laid back Quileute Indian with chin-length black hair. He is JacobÂ’s friend and eventually becomes a wolf.
Quil Ateara: 16 years old, he is a short, stocky, feisty Quileute Indian with short black hair. Also JacobÂ’s friend, he is the last one to morph into a wolf.
Emily: 20 years old, she is a beautiful Quileute Indian with a long dark face. She is SamÂ’s girlfriend. One half of her face has been mangled with scars and lines and a twisted mouth and a pulled eye.
Harry Clearwater: 46 years old, he is a stout Quileute Indian with dark braids, a protruding stomach and a kind face. He is part of the search party for Bella, and then later for the “monster” in the woods.


Marcus and Caius: Volturi, the equivalent of vampire royalty, they are fierce killers. They are dressed in rich silk robes, each with long hair that falls loose around their face and they have translucent, onion-like white skin.
Felix: 20Â’s, a stunningly handsome hooded figure with unsettling burgundy-red eyes, he is one of the Volturi guards. Felix is large, tall, and thick and very dangerous.
Demetri: 20Â’s, also a Volturi guard, Demetri is slender and elegantÂ….he is more gracious than Felix, but no less dangerous.
Jane: A slender and petite young woman, hooded, with a Botticelli angel-like face, she is also a Volturi guard. Jane has crimson irises. Demetri and Felix are three times the size of her but are terrified of her.
Alec: JaneÂ’s twin brother and a member of the Volturi guards.
Heidi: A beautiful vampire who leads a group of tourists. She gives a flirtatious smile to Demetri.

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