


seksi haisee

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 24.02.2010 00:03

pasianssi läpi 65sec l0l0l0l parsa

tsiigaillaaTiistai 23.02.2010 22:17

joo maltsu41Tiistai 23.02.2010 01:06

smaili vai ei?

tervePerjantai 19.02.2010 01:04

haluun pelaa fifaaaaa vittu :D
suunnittelen sit unissaniki et mite drogba tekee maali

EI VOIMaanantai 01.02.2010 00:31

Yo mama's so fat I took a picture of her last christmas and its still printing
Yo mama's so fat she wore a yellow raincoat and people yelled "Taxi!"
Yo mama's so fat she broke your family tree.
Yo mama's so fat she doesn’t need the internet; she’s already world wide
Yo mama's so fat she has her own timezone
Yo mama's so fat i tried to drive around her, and i ran out of gas

Yo mama's so fat she went to the beach, and greenpeace tried to push her back to the ocean
Yo mama's so fat that when she went to movies she sat next to everybody

Yo mama's so fat that when she walked past my tv, i missed a whole season of prison break
Yo mama's so fat when she walks backwards you can hear *beep beep beep*

ilmasii tavaroit jaosKeskiviikko 20.01.2010 22:17

koht lähtee oikeesti kamat ikkunast :s
vittu ostin jotku 4mm renkaat ja yritän tunkee niit plugeist mut ei kiitos mooses.

ei mul muut :D:D:DDDKeskiviikko 13.01.2010 17:51

oikeesti wutt the fucking butt fukLauantai 09.01.2010 06:49

emmä oo ikinä tähän aikaan hereillä?
pelattu just 5tuntii korttii, vois pikku hiljaa mennä nukkuu

Keskiviikko 06.01.2010 22:12

Since back then, i've known what i feel, how i feel for you
We walked the same road, we had a hell of a fun together
I dont want to say that our road have split in two parts
I dont want to walk my road without you
You are so big part of my life, even if you dont feel like it
I just wish that we will be there for each other, until the end of days
I love you, big sis!