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[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 24.05.2010 18:35

"Sex really is confusing for meat that can think. I don't blame us for not knowing how to act about it, especially considering all the other baggage I didn't go into that's associated with it. Don't worry though. We thinking meats will figure it out someday and then we'll know how to act about it.
As for now we're still working on it - but I mean hey, we've made some advancements! In the past 5,000 years we've figured out that it's probably for the best if we don't go at it with critters that aren't humans, we shouldn't touch kids because it freaks them out and hurts them, raping people is terrible so we should wait for a definite yes, and it makes babies sometimes so we should be careful about it."

Budokan first press limited shipattiin tänään _o/

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