
kerrosMaanantai 04.09.2006 16:42

Puhelin voi paljastaa yllättäviä asioita. Vastaa rehellisesti: Millä nimellä esiinnyn puhelinluettelossasi?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 30.08.2006 12:54

[ ]Ala-Asteella
[ ]Lukiossa
[ ]Jossain muussa

[]Brunetti tältä väliltä:D
[ ]Punapää
[ ]Jokin muu

[ ]Alle 150 cm
[ ]150-160 cm
[ ]160-170 cm
[x]Yli 170 cm

[ ]Pitkähiuksinen
[ ]Puolipitkähiuksinen
[ ]Kiharahiuksinen

[x]Nokian kännykän
[ ]Siemensin kännykän
[ ]Jonkin muun kännykän
[ ]Poikaystävän
[ ]Tyttöystävän
[ ]Pikkuveljen
[ ]Isosiskon
[ ]Kaksoissisaren
[ ]Bestiksen
[x]Oman huoneen
[]Oman tietokoneen
[x]Oman teeveen

[ ]C.S.I :stä
[ ]Huippumalli Haussa -ohjelmasta
[ ]Salkkareista
[ ]Lostista
[ ]Diilistä
[ ]Selviytyjistä
[ ]Everwoodista
[]Mean Girlsistä
[ ]Kaunasta
[ ]Nemoa etsimässä -elokuvasta
[ ]Notting Hillistä
[ ]Kissoista
[ ]Koirista
[ ]Hevosista
[ ]Liskoista
[ ]Papukaijoista
[ ]Kaloista
[ ]Marsuista
[ ]Hamstereista-,,-
[ ]Hiiristä
[ ]Rotista
[ ]Lähes kaikista eläimistä
[x]Pojista <---- Grrrr :D
[]Lapsista <-- olenhan itsekkin vasta 14 ENKÄ LUULE OLEVANI VÄHÄN VANHEMPI
[ ]Keväästä
[ ]Syksystä
[ ]Hiihtämisestä
[ ]Lentopallosta
[] Luistelusta
[ ]Kilpajuoksusta
[ ]Pituushypystä
[ ]Tanssimisesta
[ ]Lukemisesta
[ ]Pianonsoitosta
[ ]Kirjoittamisesta
[ ]Piirtämisestä

Olen horoskoopiltani:
[ ]Kauris
[ ]Vesimies
[ ]Oinas
[ ]Kaksonen
[ ]Rapu
[ ]Leijona
[ ]Neitsyt
[ ]Vaaka
[ ]Skorpioni
[ ]Jousimies

Luonteeltani olen:
[x]Puhelias(Riippuu vähä seurasta :)
[ ]Ujo
[ ]Itsenäinen
[ ]Tulinen
[ ]Rauhallinen

tjuuhMaanantai 28.08.2006 14:35

et tälleensä.meni sit se näyttö uusiks.uusinta ois nyt perjantaina,hieman kiirus tulee tehä kaikkih

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 10.08.2006 19:21

Brother Firetribe - One single breath

As I stand alone
Another night is over
My body shakes and I feel alive
This is who I am
Firmly on the ground
But I'm reaching for the sky

This is where I thought I had a point of view
Caught up in the moment
I finally made up my mind

Running against the wind
I'm burning like a fallen star
But there's only one single breath between life and death
Beating the odds I never give up
I'll live for another day
Now there's only one single breath between life and death

Trying to catch my breath
And rush my eyes to see
Shivers down my spine as I fall
I couldn't catch the time
I was left behind
Even betrayed, old and amused

You'll never know that in only one single blow
It all could be over
All over for now

kertosäe (3x)

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 27.07.2006 23:54

Zdes nam ne burknut net ne firknut vsled ne skazut -vsjo vam snitsa-

No one to tell us no or where to go or say -we're only dreaming-

Ja yli kieltojen ja esteiden on onni meidän lentää

tjuuhSunnuntai 16.07.2006 20:51

Katsele kuva-albumiani ja valitse sieltä yksi parhain/hauskin/kaunein kuva joka on
mielestäsi ylitse muiden tai vaan paras. Siis vain yksi kuva ja linkitä se päiväkirjaani.

Sen jälkeen lisää tämä omaan päiväkirjaasi ja katso, mistä kuvasta muut pitävät eniten.

[Ei aihetta]Torstai 22.06.2006 01:50

on aamu
ja kaupunki vielä uinuu
kuu jossain mailleen painuu
yön usva hiljaa leijuu pois

on aamu
herään sylistäsi sinun
kiedot kätes kaulaan minun
mä tunnen kuinka maailma tää
allamme pyörähtää taas eteenpäin
ja uuteen päivään vie
minne lie

vie mut minne vaan
taivaanrannan taa
yli merten seilataan
yli vuorten kahdestaan
kanssasi nähdä saan
kun yö taas peittää maan
sen hetken kanssasi jaan
ihan kahdestaan
vie mut minne vaan

kuin varkain sä veit mun sydämen
vaikka tuntenut sua en
kuin tosta vaan teit sen hymyillen
kuin varkain anna sulle sen
ja päivän jokaisen
jonka kanssas kulkea saan
allamme pyörii maa taas eteenpäin
ja uuteen päivään vie
minne lie

vie mut minne vaan
taivaanrannan taa
yli merten seilataan
yli vuorten kahdestaan
kanssasi nähdä saan
kun yö taas peittää maan
sen hetken kanssasi jaan
ihan kahdestaan
vie mut minne vaan

vie mut minne vaan
taivaanrannan taa
yli merten seilataan
yli vuorten kahdestaan
kanssasi nähdä saan
kun yö taas peittää maan
sen hetken kanssasi jaan
ihan kahdestaan
vie mut minne vaan

minne vaan
taivaanrannan taa
yli merten seilataan
yli vuorten kahdestaan

vie mut minne vaan

ihan kahdestaan
vie mut minne vaan

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.06.2006 12:20

They passed me by, all of those great romances
You were I felt robbing me of my rightful chances
My picture clear, everything seemed so easy
And so I dealt you the blow, one of us had to go
Now it's different, I want you to know

One of us is crying, one of us is lying
In her lonely bed, staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead
One of us is lonely, one of us is only waiting for a call
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small
Wishing she had never left at all

I saw myself as a concealed attraction
I felt you kept me away from the heat and the action
Just like a child, stubborn and misconceiving
That's how I started the show, one of us had to go
Now I've changed, and I want you to know

One of us is crying, one of us is lying
In her lonely bed, staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead
One of us is lonely, one of us is only waiting for a call
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small
Wishing she had never left at all

Never left at all, staring at the ceiling
Wishing she was somewhere else instead
One of us is lonely, one of us is only waiting for a call
Sorry for herself, feeling stupid, feeling small....

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 18.06.2006 12:08

I know that you're hiding things,
Using gentle words to shelter me
Your words were like a dream,
But dreams could never fool me
Not that easily

I acted so distant then,
Didn't say good-bye before you left
But I was listening,
You fight your battles far from me
Far too easily

"Save your tears, 'cause I'll come back"
I could hear that you whispered
As you walked through that door
But still I swore, to hide that pain
When I turn back the pages
Shouting might have been the answer,
What if I cried my eyes out and begged you not to depart
But now I'm not afraid to say what's in my heart

Cause a thousand words
Called out through the ages,
They'll fly to you
Even though I can't see,
I know they're reaching you
Suspended on silver wings

Oh a thousand words
One thousand embraces
Will cradle you
Making all of your weary days seem far away
They'll hold you forever

Oh a thousand words (one thousand words)
Have never been spoken (oh yeah)
They'll fly to you,
And carry you home (carry you home)
And back into my arms,
Suspended on silver wings (on silver wings)

And a thousand words (oohh)
Called out through the ages (called through the ages)
They'll cradle you (oh yeah)
Making all of your lonely years to only days (only days)
They'll hold you forever


One thousand words...

[Ei aihetta]Sunnuntai 11.06.2006 22:42

Wish you were here, me oh my countryman
Wish you were here
Wish you were here, don't you know the stove is getting colder
and I miss you like hell
and I'm feeling blue

Wish you were here, me oh my countryman
Wish you were here
Wish you were here, don't you know the stove is getting colder
and I miss you like hell
and I'm feeling blue

I've got feelings for you babe
Do you still feel the same
From the first time I laid my eyes on you
I felt joy of living
I saw heaven in your eyes, in your eyes

Wish you were here, me oh my countryman
Wish you were here
Wish you were here, don't you know the stove is getting colder
and I miss you like hell
and I'm feeling blue

I miss your laugh, I miss your smile
I miss everything about you
Every seconds like a minute
Every minute's like a day
When you're far away

Wish you were here
The stove is getting colder babe
I wish you were here
Wish you were here
A battlefield of love and fear
And I wish you were here

I've got feelings for you babe
From the first time I laid my eyes on you

Wish you were here, me oh my countryman
Wish you were here
I wish you were here
Wish you were here, don't you know the stove is getting colder
and I miss you like hell
and I'm feeling blue