


☆ every villain is a hero in his own mind

there's something you should know...Torstai 13.05.2010 23:13

♥ beautiful beautiful view, god has made a miracle the day you were born and
beautiful beautiful you, i will never let you go, you're like the perfect song
en oo varmaan koskaan kertonu kenellekkää kui paljo rakastan tätä ihmistä? ;--)
Endlich !! ♥
why did it take me so long to find someone so perfect, someone so right?
just call me if you need me, i'm there trough it all
i have known so much pain, now that you've come and cleared all of my rain
you are my sunshine all trough the rain
everything you do just seems so right
i'm not afraid to go on more - you've picked me off the floor
oot esim joku tärkein, kaunein, ihanin ja yksinkertasesti vaan paras!
en ymmärrä mitä oon tehny et oon ansainnu sut!
now that you've come into my life, without you i know i can't survive
'cause you're the reason that i live each day
and i wanna thank you for all that your are
thank you for being my light when it's dark, thank you for bringing me joy each day
thank you for givin' my life a new song, givin' me reason to wanna stay strong
thank you for everything that you've done
haluun toteuttaa ne kaikki meiän suunnitelmat sitte ko ollaan 18 ja ootan sitä päivää ko asun sun ja kaulitzien kaa isossa kivitalossa ;) !
en koskaan päästä susta irti ja toivon et oot mun vierellä aina! ♥
if you're lonely, and need a friend, and troubles seem like they never end i will be here
you'll never be alone again, so don't you fear
even if you're miles away, i'm by your side

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