


nonii ny sitä sitte ollaan setämiehiä, tai siis oltu jo 6.1.2011 lähtien mut kumminki

Let You Down - Three Day GracePerjantai 27.03.2009 11:28

Trust me
There's no need to fear
Everyone's here
Waiting for you to finally be one of us

Come down
You may be full of fear
But you'll be safe here
When you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

I will let you down
I'll let you down , I'll
Wait till you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

Trust me
I'll be there when you need me
You'll be safe here
And when you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

I will let you down
I'll let you down, I'll
Wait till you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

I will let you down
I'll let you down, I'll
wait till you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

Never want to come down (3x)

I will let you down
I'll let you down, I'll
wait till you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

I will let you down
I'll let you down, I'll
wait till you finally trust me
Finally believe in me

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