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- Vanhempi »

How Chinese type characters into computer?Maanantai 21.03.2011 12:02

When I was in Finland, the most often question I had been asked is that how chinese people type those "complicated" chinese characters into computer,since they are very different from western alphabet?

We uses Pinyin ( which is constituted by different combinations of alphabet) and tone marks (there are 4 tones in mandarine, and I have heard that Cantonese have even 9 tones....lukily, I dont need to learn it :p) to help recognize the prounanciation and type Chinese characters. For example: 水 (water), Pinyin: Shui tone:3 . So when I type 水,I only need to type shui, then it gives me many options including the same prounciations with different tones, all I need to do is to choose the right character

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