

Käyntejä: 1 773 (1.7.2008 alkaen)
56 jäsentä
Tyttöjä: 56
25,5 vuotta
Otos: 48 jäsentä
Tyttöjen keski-ikä: 25,5 vuotta

Jäsenet (56)

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SinKid"Lakki Tuli Lakki Meni"Luonut: SinKidPerjantai 13.11.2009 17:30

kuten kirjoitin hyvälle ystävälleni hänen ylioppilas kortiinsa XD ja kysymys kuuluu minne se meni? ahahaha.

Mutta Mie sain lakin!!! OMG!!! Ei vois olla yhtään parempi pe 13. päivä!
ja yksi hyvä ystävänikin sai!!! Me valmistutaaaaan... päästään helvetin koulusta eroon!!! OMG!

ja tää tietää sitä et pääsen jenkkeihin keväällä! toivottavasti JO maaliskuussa!!

_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaKeskiviikko 19.08.2009 22:12

Meillä on ilo ilmoittaa, että Sinut on hyväksytty Eur AuPair-ohjelmaamme.''

jee kotona odotti pöydällä tommone hieno iso hyväksymiskirje 8)) nyt vaan täyttelemään hakupakettia ja ens vuonna USA here I come !!

Ylihuomenna Kepalle !! <3

_jannnaapuaapuaLuonut: _jannnaMaanantai 27.07.2009 11:14

kahen tunnin päästä pitää olla jo menos Nurmoon ja haastatteluun :s nyt jännittää jo ihan kamalasti !!

_jannna[Ei aihetta]Luonut: _jannnaMaanantai 20.07.2009 17:19

27.7. aupair haastattelu, eeei jänskätä :s ja siellä on psykologinen testi, jos siinä on niitä mustetahrojen tunnistamisjuttuja vastaan varmaan kaikkiin ''i see dead people'' 8))) mutjoo kai se iha hyvin menee. ja suunniteltiin kepan kans et muutetaan yhdessä hämeenlinnan keskustaan ja vaihdan lukiota sinne ja hommataan töitä Mamma Miasta 8)
Eve tulee pitämään mulle seuraa kun angstailen --->

_jannnaEur Au Pair 2010 !Luonut: _jannnaLauantai 23.05.2009 01:35

äwäwäwää kattelin Au Pair sivustoja ja löyty just hyvä minkä kautta voisin mennäkki sitte Au Pairiks 8)) en jaksa odottaa enää yli vuotta että pääsen ! toivottavasti sais jo pian hakea et menis nopeempaa tää odotus :D USA here I come <3 8)
If you are or have been an Au Pair in the US, then you will find yoursel in that :

You know you are an Au Pair in the US when... always introduce yourself with "hi, my name is (your name), I'm from (country) and I have (amount of children you are taking care of) children!

...everybody is greeting you with a "Hi! How are you?" and you can't respond fast enough. So, say it first!

...the worst thing is when the dad works from home spend all your money at the Mall and you still have nothing to wear hate Dora, Hannah Montana and SpongeBob say "silly" instead of "stupid"

...You go to PLAYDATES've seen more movies in one month than in your whole life at home drive over 30 minutes to a friend's house and you think it's not far only have other Au Pairs as your friends can make bacon say 'like' and 'totally' every three words

...someone ask you stupid questions like "Do you have cars in your country?" or " You don't have Valentine's day??" or "Where is your country?" don't think it's wrong to have cake AND ice cream park as close as possible from the store so that you don't have to walk even one yard, too far cherish moments of silence more than ever before say 'GOOD JOB' a hundred times per day wonder why you slept so bad all night long and you notice the next morning that you slept on a barbie, sandtoys, etc...

...your host parents wake you up at 8.30 on a sunday morning to empty the dishwasher! need to be creative to find new punishments because time-outs don't work anymore ;-)'re sure you don't want to have kids within the next 100 years!'re ready to drink anytime of the day start to love Disney movies again've learnt what being patient means know what a LCC is know you should never SHAKE A BABY!!! take a nap after dropping the kids at school (even though you woke up only 2 hours ago :-D ) have to watch your host parents' dog while they're on vacation to the Carribean are driving to the busstop to pick up your kids, even if it's only 200 meters away from your house!

...the kids call you mom cause you spend too much time with them think $157.95 (or $160 for the luckiests) per week for all the reponsabilities you have is ridiculous

...your host parents leave you a note of the schedule of the day/week with really important stuff to do, like 'sharpen some pencils', 'cut some carrots' or 'organize the daughter's hair accessories' cup of coffee doesn't make you awake anymore, it just makes you alive use Purell instead of washing your hands are the waitress (waiter) when your host parents have people over for dinner miss the good ol' days when you could go to the bakery and get real bread and real butter (not that American shit they call bread...hahaha) don't WALK to the bank, but DRIVE to get your money sing children songs instead of songs from the radio forgot what sleeping on a sunday morning means

[|pauliina|]My little monkiesLuonut: [|pauliina|]Keskiviikko 24.09.2008 11:38

Sara: mom said I was born in jungle


Toni: Good night sweetie! I love u
Kevin: Good night. I want new mom and dad.
Toni: Okay, love u!
Kevin: Love u too!


K: I don't like u anymore!!
P: okay then I don't play chase w/ u anymore!
K: but i still love u...


S: I want you to stay here forever
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