

Televisio ja elokuvat
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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »
Ei pitäisi katsoa Sayonara, Zetsubou Senseitä yliväsyneenä, ei etenkään tätä jaksoa:

Jonkin aikaa oikeasti mietin että olenko saanut aivohalvauksen, vai miksi hahmojen puhe kuulostaa niin omituiselta. Vaikka olisi pitänyt jo tottua odottamaan mitä tahansa tältä sarjalta. Tulen olemaan hämmentynyt kunnes saan nukuttua kunnnolla.

ElfenAbsolute BeautyLuonut: ElfenSunnuntai 27.06.2010 01:15

I can hear their delightful screams again today...
If I'm with you, I can go to the end of this world
And journey through the sea of delusions

I'm fated to love even if I'm reborn
So even legends can make up romance

If you look behind you, it's a peerless beauty
Unfortunate beauties, queens of the night

Shadows make women more beautiful

Silently accept the rope
Death creeps nearer from the darkness at your back
The sinners who are drowning in too much love --
I can hear their delightful screams again today
On the night of the crescent moon

Looking back is a wonderful thing
Even the money people have lost is falling

If there's a god who throws away, there's paper which gathers up
That's the ultimate circulation society

Where do they pass on to, the peerless beauties?
Unfortunate beauties, three-day beauties

Mirror, Mr. Mirror, I want to become beautiful

What would happen if I died? ... Let's put on rouge
If you fall in love, there are two pitfalls
If you're going to eat poison, you might as well clean the plate
The painful anticipation bewilders my heart
On the night of the full moon

Your language tastes of despair
I say "no, no," but at the same time I'm in love with you
I'm loved too much, I feel like my breath's going to stop
I can hear their delightful screams again today
On the night of the crescent moon

Flarona[Ei aihetta]Luonut: FlaronaLauantai 02.08.2008 02:48

Hangmen January 24th, 2008 11:16 am

"Animes like Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei is perhaps the reason why IÂ’m still alive. Otherwise, I wouldÂ’ve extended my heights far earlier than I should."

Mihihi. x3

Flaronayossshhh!Luonut: FlaronaLauantai 02.08.2008 02:25

Hahaa! Joku on samaa mieltä kanssani! 8DD

"SZS is the Japanese South Park, except instead of Kenny dying each episode, Pink Supervisor tries to kill himself each episode. Absolutely brilliant. Far and away the best series of the new season, even with all the SHAFT randomness."

MungolaJUHANNUXIA!Luonut: MungolaTorstai 19.06.2008 16:46

"Nozomu-Sensei [Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei] under the Sakuratree who wanted to commit suicide."

Anteeksi. Nauran tälle hurjasti. 8'D

Sayonara Zetsubou Sensei on btw komedia/parodia.
argh, tää kutosjakson loppu on ärsyttävä. en kestä tän itoshiki nozomun ääntä! vaihtakaa nopeesti takas oikee ääninäyttelijä! se oli vielä ihan kivaa, ku näyttelijä vaihtu vaa hetkiseks, mutta tää on jo liikaa! \´m`/

« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »