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« Uudemmat - Vanhemmat »

Synical_SidTreasureLuonut: Synical_SidPerjantai 20.07.2012 21:08

She whispers
Please remember me
When I am gone from here

She whispers
Please remember me
But not with tears

Remember I was always true
Remember that I always tried
Remember I loved only you
Remember me and smile

For it's better to forget
Than to remember me
And cry

TurtzikStrange attractionLuonut: TurtzikTorstai 21.04.2011 05:24

It started with a dedication
'Lost in admiration - happy birthday - I'm forever yours - Blossom'
Faded red inside a tiny book of butterflies
I smiled surprised at how when flickered through
The wings flew by spelled out my name...

Six months went by the summer lost
Obsessively the letters dropped into my life
The same soft blood smooth flowing hand
'Please try to understand - I have to see you - have to feel you -
Tell you all the ways I need you - yours forever in love...'

Strange attraction spreads its wings
It varies but the smallest things
You never know how anything will change
Strange attraction spreads its wings
And alters but the smallest things
You never know how anything will fade

The year grew old incessantly she wrote to me
She'd started smoking poetry!
I laughed in recognition of a favourite phrase
She'd pulled me in...
I answered her
A Christmas card in sepia
Arranging when and where
And how the two of us should meet...

Her opening so well prepared
A nervous smile
I couldn't take my eyes from her
She whispered,
'Can I use some of your lipstick?'
It was perfect so believable
I couldn't help but feel that it was real
And kissing crimson fell into her waiting arms...

Strange attraction spreads its wings
It varies but the smallest things
You never know how anything will change
Strange attraction spreads its wings
And alters but the smallest things
You never know how anything will fade

So alone into the cold new year without another word from her
I wrote to ask if we could maybe meet again before the spring
But weeks went by with no reply until once more my birthday came
And with it my surprise but this time nothing was the same...

'I'm sorry - blame infatuation - blame imagination -
I was sure you'd be the one but I was wrong -
It seems reality destroys our dreams - I won't forget you - Blossom'
Faded red inside a tiny book of old goodbyes...

Strange attraction spreads its wings
It varies but the smallest things
You never know how anything will change
Strange attraction spreads its wings
And alters but the smallest things
And you never know...
And you never know...
And you never know...

The Cure - Strange Attraction

TurtzikDisintegrationLuonut: TurtzikTiistai 19.04.2011 16:34

Oh I miss the kiss of treachery
The shameless kiss of vanity
The soft and the black and the velvety
Up tight against the side of me
And mouth and eyes and heart all bleed
And run in thickening streams of greed
As bit by bit it starts the need
To just let go
My party piece

Oh I miss the kiss of treachery
The aching kiss before I feed
The stench of a love for a younger meat
And the sound that it makes
When it cuts in deep
The holding up on bended knees
The addiction of duplicities
As bit by bit it starts the need
To just let go
My party piece

But I never said I would stay to the end
So I leave you with babies and hoping for frequency
Screaming like this in the hope of the secrecy
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and
Stains on the scenery
Songs about happiness murmured in dreams
When we both us knew
How the ending would be...

So it's all come back round to breaking apart again
Breaking apart like I'm made up of glass again
Making it up behind my back again
Holding my breath for the fear of sleep again
Holding it up behind my head again
Cut in deep to the heart of the bone again
Round and round and round
And it's coming apart again
Over and over and over

Now that I know that I'm breaking to pieces
I'll pull out my heart
And I'll feed it to anyone
Crying for sympathy
Crocodiles cry for the love of the crowd
And the three cheers from everyone
Dropping through sky
Through the glass of the roof
Through the roof of your mouth
Through the mouth of your eye
Through the eye of the needle
It's easier for me to get closer to heaven
Than ever feel whole again

I never said I would stay to the end
I knew I would leave you with babies and everything
Screaming like this in the hole of sincerity
Screaming me over and over and over
I leave you with photographs
Pictures of trickery
Stains on the carpet and
Stains on the memory
Songs about happiness murmured in dreams
When we both of us knew
How the end always is

How the end always is...

The Cure - Disintegration

TurtzikDoing the unstuckLuonut: TurtzikPerjantai 29.10.2010 03:37

It's a perfect day for letting go
for setting fire to bridges
and other dreary worlds you know
let's get happy!
It's a perfect day for making out
to wake up with a smile without a doubt
to burst grin giggle bliss skip jump and sing and shout
let's get happy!
But it's much to late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go

It's a perfect day for kiss and swell
for rip-zipping button-popping kiss and well...
there's loads of other stuff can make you yell
let's get happy!
It's a perfect day for doing the unstuck
for dancing like you can't hear the beat
and you don't give a further thought
to things like feet
let's get happy!

But it's much too late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go

Kick out the gloom
kick out the blues
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Oh just burn down the house!
Burn down the street!
Turn everything red and the beat is complete
with the sound of your world
going up in fire
it's a perfect day to throw back your head
and kiss it all goodbye

It's a perfect day for getting wild
forgetting all your worries
and everything that makes you cry
let's get happy!
It's a perfect day for dreams come true
for thinking big
and doing anything you want to do
let's get happy!

But it's much too late you say
for doing this now
we should have done it then
well it just goes to show
how wrong you can be
and how you really should know
that it's never too late
to get up and go

Kick out the gloom
kick out the blues
tear out the pages with all the bad news
pull down the mirrors and pull down the walls
tear up the stairs and tear up the floors
Oh just burn down the house!
Burn down the street!
Turn everything red and the dream is complete
with the sound of your world
going up in fire
it's a perfect day to throw back your head
and kiss it all goodbye

The Cure - Doing the unstuck

DefoniWith Milk & Sugar, Please.Luonut: DefoniKeskiviikko 06.10.2010 15:26

Coffee tastes so much more better when you're drinking it from a mug that has Robert Smith on it.

iwasinvietnam[Ei aihetta]Luonut: iwasinvietnamLauantai 27.02.2010 19:01

I would say I'm sorry
If I thought that it would change your mind
But I know that this time
I've said too much
Been too unkind

I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try and
Laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry

I would break down at your feet
And beg forgiveness
Plead with you
But I know that
It's too late
And now there's nothing I can do

So I try to laugh about it
Cover it all up with lies
I try to
laugh about it
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry

I would tell you
That I loved you
If I thought that you would stay
But I know that it's no use
That you've already
Gone away

Misjudged your limits
Pushed you too far
Took you for granted
I thought that you needed me more

Now I would do most anything
To get you back by my side
But I just
Keep on laughing
Hiding the tears in my eyes
'cause boys don't cry
Boys don't cry
Boys don't cry

iwasinvietnamlast.fmLuonut: iwasinvietnamLauantai 27.12.2008 17:23

815 The Dresden Dolls
772 Emilie Autumn
740 The Cure
629 My Chemical Romance

iwasinvietnam4:13 DreamLuonut: iwasinvietnamTiistai 25.11.2008 22:14

Ostin vallan mainion levyn.. Tätä onkin odotettu ja sepä lunasti odotukset!

mitsii~Luonut: mitsiiTiistai 19.08.2008 19:47

Quietly he laughs and shaking his head
creeps closer now closer to the foot of the bed
and softer than shadow and quicker than flies
his arms are around me and his tongue in my eyes

Be still be calm be quiet now my precious boy
don't struggle like that or I will only love you more
for it's much too late to get away or turn on the light
the spiderman is having you for dinner tonight

(I think the lyrics are the 38658365. time in my päiväkirja now,
but i still love the song. :><3)

MaiMiauMore than thiSLuonut: MaiMiauMaanantai 03.09.2007 14:41

Every second of your life
Tell me if its true
I'm waiting for a sign
It's all I want of you
You heart hides a secret
A promise of what is
Something more than this
Just a second of your time
Any one will do
A taste of any other
Is all I want from you
Offer me the world
How can I resist
Something more than this

Make believe in magic
Make believe in dreams
Make believe impossible
Nothing as is seems
Too see touch taste smell hear
But never know if its real
But never know if its real

Every second of you life
Tell me if its true
Anywhere we are
It's all I want of you
In your lips lies a secret
A promise of a kiss
Of something more than this

Just a second of your time
Any one will do
To know any other
Is all I want from you

Giving me the world
You know I cant resist
Something more than this

Make believe in magic
Make believe in dreams
Make believe impossible
Nothing as it seems
Never really understand
What anything means
What anything means

Another second of my life
Not knowing if its true
Make believe in nothing
It's all I want of you
Whispering the secret
Whisper me there is
Always something other
Something more than this

- The Cure -
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