
I never had this feeling before,
he gives me shakes and shivers
I can't ignore...
And I see that there's more now,
than just running free...

I never felt my heart beat so fast,
I'm thinking of him first and of myself last,
and how happy I want him to be!

It's amazing someone in my life,
just might be loving me?
I didn't know that I could feel this way..

It's so crazy,
something in my life,
Is better than a dream,
I didn't know that I could feel this way..

He makes me warm and happy inside,
he smiles and I get dizzy and starry-eyed...

All these feelings I have
have me asking!

Can this be love?
Can this be love?

It's crazy,
I can hardly speak!
Whenever he
says "hi",
I didn't know that I could feel
I never dreamed that I could feel
I Didn't know that I could feel
this way.

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