


Vituiks meni niinku jeesuksen pääsiäinen

Amazing facts about yourselfKeskiviikko 07.10.2009 18:30

Since your birth 11941 days ago,
Your heart has beat more than 1238042880 times.
Your heart has pumped more than 90393370 litres or 23882000 gallons of blood.
Your kidneys have filtered more than 2029970 litres or 537345 gallons of blood.
You have breathed more than 257925600 times.
You have inhaled more than 124293869 litres or 131351000 quarts of air.
Your breathing has generated more than 10746.9 kg or 23692.46 pounds of Carbon dioxide.
You have blinked more than 160487040 times.
Your mouth has produced more than 11343.95 litres or 2985.25 gallons of saliva.
Your body has shed more than 22210.26 grams or 48.96 pounds of skin.
You have lost more than 1194100 strands of hair.
If you hadn't taken single haircut, your hair would be more than 197.45 inches long today.
If you hadn't cut your fingernails a single time, they would be more than 39.4053 inches long today.
If you hadn't cut your toenails a single time, they would be more than 22.6879 inches long today.

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