
velijeksiä:)Lauantai 30.08.2008 16:32

YouÂ’re somewhere in the middle of the rain but your sun
Is waiting at the horizon til the pain has gone
To paint your sky with rainbows

I wish I could be, I wish I could be like a rainbow
Bringing a smile on your face
IÂ’ll keep you warm and IÂ’ll keep you safe
When the light tries to escape from your eyes

How I wish you could see
I wish you could feel and believe in
In my love that awaits you everywhere
Darling, everywhere you go somehow I will know

‘cause we’re just people trying to hold on
each one of us on our own
Still weÂ’re not alone, no weÂ’re not alone
WeÂ’re all face to face with the great unknown

Von Hertzen Brothers- Somewhere in the middle.

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