
just just :DMaanantai 16.08.2010 20:40

– Dom, you’ve been hit by Matt’s flying guitars before. What measures do you take to protect yourself from his ‘theatrics’?

Dom Howard: My reflexes have become a lot quicker. I had stitches in my eye once after he cut it. And a tetanus injectionÂ…

Matt Bellamy: Â… In his bum! We came backstage and he was bent over a table, his bum hanging out. That was the main reason I did it. Any excuse to get Dom to bend over and pull his pants down.

– Do you ever read any of the online erotic fiction written about you?

Dom Howard: No, but I’ve seen weird things on our message boards. The fans there are quite active – they have these threads called Pornogenic Dom, Pornogenic Matt, Pornogenic Chris. They started off using these pictures of us pulling weird sex faces when we are playing live. It’s our cum faces, basically. It gets weird out there.

– Ever had a near-death experience?

Chris Wolstenholme: A couple of days ago, actually. Really dodgy flight into LA, the weather was bad. I thought it was all over for a minute. We seemed to drop a thousand feet instantly.

Matt Bellamy: If it had jolted any more Dom would have just come out and said, “I’m gay”.

– As the band’s resident “ladies’ man”, who’s the most famous person you’ve hit on?

Dom Howard: Jane Fonda. She’s 72. I like the older ladies, you see. She was hanging around with Rod Stewart the other day. She seemed like a nice lady. But I failed – I didn’t charm her enough.

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