
~oli kivaaSunnuntai 02.05.2010 23:35

Anywhere I go, I see u with me.
'Cuz I'm so alone, without u baby.
My life would be suck, if u cannot touch,
my heart like this.
U are my sunshine, the only light in my life.

//Hold me tight, I never let u go.
I just want u know, I'm blind because of your love.
Please say that I'm in heaven,
'Cuz u are there, my angel//

One day, one week, one month, one year.
During the time I did not feel u my near.
It seems as if u were wiped me out of your heart,
seems to me that it is no longer a piece of love.

//Hold me tight, I never let u go.
I just want u know, I'm blind because of your love.
Please say that I'm in heaven,
'Cuz u are there, my angel//

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