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guys always make girls cry ...Sunnuntai 11.10.2009 20:46

... but if a girl can make a guy cry, she must really mean something to him .

I've said that when you love someone it's forever. but i was wrong. nothing can last forever & that's what you've taught me. you've taught me that feelings go away. promises can be broken. & love isnt for everyone. when i met you, i thought that all of my past experiences would go away. but in the end, you brought them back & added more hurt to them. i've always thought that there is going to be ONE MAN who can treat me right. but there isnt. there is only little boys who claim they can. love is a precious thing & that is why it's so hard to find. thats why it's hard to find someone who can offer their love to you. and when you've been hurt, you shut the doors to your heart and stop any form of care and love to go in. now, you've brought me every type of hurt imaginable. & i don't think i will ever love again. but what i know for sure, is that i would forget all of this the very second you tell me you want me back. but for now, im just going to live my life as if i don't care. & i just want to let you know that even though you have broken my heart. i still love you.

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