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- Vanhempi »

just some random shite!Keskiviikko 08.10.2008 17:41

Death At The Chapel (by The Horrors)

On a night of weddings
he decides to change the setting
and as he feels himself start
SICKEN! Oh, too late for Jimmy
adjusts his goggles as the
fog begins to THICKEN.

Under shadow of the Chapel
he saw Jimmy run for cover
and pushing down on the ACCELERATOR.
Oh, too late for Jimmy.
Ducking down as the young man
flew over the bonnet.

With a heart as black as coffee
he smashed into John and Betty
screaming, "no one will ever love you!"
Too late, John and Betty,
and the realisation HIT the like a fist like this.

You know what's next for Eddie
as he divesbehind a pillar
looking back on his motorcycle.
Oh, too late for Eddie.
Turning around to face the cackle behind him.

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