



[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 06.08.2008 00:50

I met a girl who hated the world
She used her body to sell her soul
Everytime they would break her & pay
Tear out her heart & leave her in pain

I never found out how she survived
All of the saddness she kept inside
I never found out how she´d lie
With a smile on her face & the scratches shed hide

You could love her, if you payed
You could´ve her everyday
You could love her, if you prayed
You could´ve her every way, oh

Down on her knees she wept on the floor
This hopeless life, she wanted no more
Dead in her mind & cold to the bone
She opened her eyes & saw she was alone

She never found out how much I tried
All of the sadness she kept made me blind
She never found out how much I cried
The rope so tight on the night that she died

You could love her, if you payed
You could´ve her everyday, oh
You could love her, if you prayed
You could´ve her every way, oh

I never found out how she survived,
A life lived in lies is a life in denial
I never found out how she could lie
With a smile on her face & the darkness inside

You could love her, if you payed
You could´ve her everyday, oh
You could love her, if you prayed
You could´ve her every way, oh

You could love her, if you payed
You could´ve her everyday, oh
You could love her, if you prayed
You could´ve her every way, oh

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