
You in me oneTiistai 24.04.2007 06:15

I know you now one,
In the darkness quietly goes out the spark plug,
And you think about the quarrel,
That it was yesterday.
Tear, after sliding on the cheek of your,
Suddenly it will fall, and you will understand,
Which will pass increasingly in the course of time.
Otherwise be it cannot,
You will return to me,
During one excellent day,
You I will see 4 in the window,
And prestanet to knock with the anxiety heart my,
And I do not want 4 to more feel pains point...
We are hopeless weak,
As the branches of old pine tree,
That we are pulled to each other,
That we disperse,
I do not know, who from us rights, but who is guilty
And in this game you will not place checkmate
I remember all my sleeps,
Because in them there was you,
And when we together were
Dreams were achieved.
Now one void, I shut eyes,
And quietly I say: "return, you in me one".

You in me one,
As if in the night moon,
As if in the steppe pine tree,
As if in the year spring,
Is not another such,
not across what river,
Not after the fogs,
By distant countries...

I recall again,
As we with you two together,
We go to that neglected house,
Its walls emit love,
In the veins our blood thickens.
Lips your whisper tender words,
Wind connected our warm hearts,
I look into your beautiful eyes,
Rain, we create miracles...
All, I not can without you,
Hand is pulled again to the telephone,
I raise tube, set up the number of your,
No one, and I laugh above itself.
I laugh, that the independent variable earlier I was,
Because it loved never no one,
But now I depend on you,
Return, you in me one.

Refrain (two times):
You in me one,
As if in the night moon,
As if in the steppe pine tree,
As if in the year spring,
Is not another such,
not across what river,
Not after the fogs,
By distant countries...

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