


- ab-so-fucking-lutely -

:)Sunnuntai 17.06.2007 20:01

2v ..

that's it. that's all about it. never ever again ..
wannabe!! :)

okey. let's move to closer this crazy life we all have.
i have very nice time today with my two dog Nelli and Lotta;
we went to dogpark. there was this nicelooking man ..
with his own dog Nella. Nella was sO hOt! :) we just talk shit and so on .. and tHEN! <3
** swimming **
hehh .. there was no point, if u really think there were .. *plop*

just kidding around.

tonight i could meet 0ne b0y witch i met in "bubbleparty" a couple weeks ago ...
but .. is there a REALLY p0int t0 met J again? :( i mean, i n0w what he want/desire fr0m me.
'i have to admit that i would like t0 see J again but .. there's just too many "but" . '

well, if J calls me tonight, i'm not so sure what i'm going t0 d0 then .. but i know that J wont call me .. why? - 'coz J is "real" gemini in horoscope .. believe or not. but i trust on that 0ne! *hahahahahaa!!*

s0. there was N0 p0int.
as if. <3

' l00king forward this summer. h0ping and praying that i all things g0 well and .. maybe after summer 2007 i have s0mething t0 tell u all. :)
see u s00n "dear".-.-.-.-.

(( all? ))

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