


joka uniinsa uskoo, varjoaan pelkää

[Ei aihetta]Perjantai 14.08.2009 17:00

You shouted all too loud at me
I was too blind I couldn't see
Trough your silky vail of lies
Sweet demon baby in disguise
Just got the curl up in my head

Your voice still ringin' in my head
I thought that we could re-produce
That I was more than just
a thing for you to use

You were not out for me,
not out for me
Were not out for me
Were not out for me
But anyone else

You told me everything's so nice
Just when you ran out of my sight
All these beautiful words can't cure
This pain I have to endure
And even thou you're far away
I think about you every day
And when I wash blood off my hands
And face and walls and floor
I seem to understand

You were not out for me,
not out for me
Were not out for me
Were not out for me
But anyone else


You were not out for me,
not out for me
Were not out for me
Were not out for me
But anyone else

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