
[Ei aihetta]Maanantai 21.07.2008 08:12

miksei kukaan oo mesessä saatanan ikävystyttävät homot. emma mitä säki teet muka nukkumassa häh. nukkuminen on homoille... :

We have made the present -obsolete.
What do you want?
What do you need?
We'll find a way,
When all hope is gone!
We've seen the fall of the elite.
Bury your life,
Sink your disease.
We'll end the world,
When all hope is gone!

The wretched are the wounded,
The hungry starved to death.
At a place where no-one goes,
The air itself is a final breathe.
So discontinue,
The antisceptic cash charade.
As the cry of justice comes,
I'm gonna let this fire free!

I am the reason your future suffers.
I am the hatred you won't embrace.
I am the worm of a pure distinction.
I am the remedy, spit in my face!
All your lies and wars are out-dated.
All your subjects are dulling mind games.
I can let all of another million reasons why,
But doesn't matter when the only thing will never die!

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