


Who owns my heart? Is it love or is it art?

[Ei aihetta]Keskiviikko 02.12.2009 19:57

Tender, soft,
why do you look right through me.
Thinking, no I can't deny my feelings.
Growing, stronger. I tried to keep believing, dreaming on.
And every time I see you I cry more,
I want to hold you closer, closer, closer, closer.
But you leave me feeling frozen.

I can be all you need.
Wont you please stay with me?
Apologies, might-have-been's
Can't erase what I feel.

Choking back emotions,
I try to keep on hoping for a way,
a reason for us both to come in close.
And though my dream is slowly fading,
I want to be the object, object, object, object,
Of your passions but it's hopeless.

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