
Hollow book, chapter 4Keskiviikko 13.10.2010 04:30

No more than a tear, a waterless drop of life, trickles down to the
bottom of the dale and begins to grow as a sequoia.
You bend the boughs of the tree which frees the pale dead limbs onto your arms.
Another tear, a inhumane bleeding tear falls to the ocean without meaning of mellow hopes.
Falls to the deep ocean...
Does she ever forgive the atrocity?
Shall she ease her will of despise to your deeds?
Will the winds carry you to the horizon, to the sky and into the void of forgotten minds?
Unto the void...
On the arms of the tree, it cherishes you to slumber on its branches.
The foliage soughs with the wind singing a hymn to your forlorn fate.
Third tear falls, a tear with hope and humanity. Into the soil, through the roots
and into the colossal tree it voyages. And up to the sky...
Up in the sky it sways and falls asleep.
You see the light, light, the shining light in distance...
No more tears, fears and everlasting years.
On the sandy shores you walk, walk a long way to the lonely sequoia.
The last tear falls from the sky...

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