


Captain supernatural & Born from The Wood:)


- Vanhemmat »

<3<3Perjantai 17.02.2006 21:48

When I'm Yours (Head)

Turning me on and with your eyes
Playing along and with your eyes
Coming on strong and with your eyes
You burn me

Searching to please and with your smile
Cursing with ease and with your smile
Kindle the flame and with your smile
You burn me

I'd rather you told me that you couldn't care less
Than put me through numbers that feel like a test
I want you

But I gotta know that I'm wanted
That I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

Turning me on and with your eyes
Playing along and with your eyes
Coming on strong and with your eyes
You burn me

Searching to please and with your smile
Cursing with ease and with your smile
Kindle the flame and with your smile
You burn me

I'd rather you told me that you couldn't care less
Than put me through numbers that feel like a test
I want you

I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours


I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

I'll be yours to command and obey
I won't demand, but I gotta know
That I'm wanted
And I don't get taken for granted
When I'm yours

When I'm yours<3<3Perjantai 17.02.2006 19:00

Näin Bussissa kotimatkalla enkelin

Mun silmät kiinni hänen ihanaan hymyynsä ja silmiinsä

Oli hän olin ihan melkein taivaassa

En uskaltanut hän puhu kaverinsa kaa mut mielessä kyl kävi katon galtsusta onko hänellä kuvii hän asuu Jollaksessa

En oo viel ettinyt

No ei hän oli ihan maallinen

Ei ollut siipiä mutta hänen olemuksensa sai mut onnelliseks

Tota kappaletta kuuntelin (The Hollies - When I'm yours)

Just sopi hänelle


Siltä tuntu nään melkein silmissäni hänen hymyilevät kasvot


Sillä hetkellä oli Paula kaukana mielestäin

Ja silmilläni oli oikein juhlaateria

Hän on mun unelmien tyttö melkein tulee tippa linssiin kun hän on niin kaunis hänen hymynsä oli kuin ei sitä voi kuvitellakkaan toista samanlaista

Olispa mulla ollu kamera hänen hymynsä ja silmänsä oli suoraan

No melkein mutta suoraan paratiisin ihanimmalta enkeliltä enkelin enkeliltä

Rinnassani tuntui ihana tunne kun katselin häntä

Hänen ihanat pitkät mustat hiuksensa laskeutuu niin ihanasti hartioilleen.

Toivottavasti nään sut viel joskus silloin kerron miten ihana oot ja että olen ihastunut suhun olisipa sinulla kuvia galtsussa<3<3 oot mun unelmien tyttö<3<3

En saa sun kasvojas mielestäin <3<3 voikun me tunnettais ja voikun voisin suudella sun ihania huulias mä taisin rakastua suhun ensisilmäyksellä<3<3

Candle of life<3<3Keskiviikko 01.02.2006 23:40

Candle Of Life
(John Lodge)

Something you can't hide
Says you're lonely
Hidden deep inside
Of you only
It's there for you to see
Take a look and be
Burn slowly the candle of life

Something there outside
Says we're only
In the hands of time
Falling slowly
It's there for us to know
With love that we can go
Burn slowly the candle of life

So love everybody
And make them your friends
So love everybody
And make them your friends

Something you can't hide
Says you're lonely
Hidden deep inside
Of you only
It's there for you to see
Take a look and be
Burn slowly the candle of life

Something there outside
Says we're only
In the hands of time
Falling slowly
It's there for us to know
With love that we can go
Burn slowly the candle of life

THE MAGICIAN'S BIRTHDAY Pyry 20 vPerjantai 16.12.2005 02:28

In the magic garden
Some were singing
Some were dancing
While the midnight moon
Shone brightly overhead

The stars so gaily glistened
And the sphinx in silence listened to
The magician tell of
Lives that he had led

Let the bells of freedom ring
Songs of love to Friday's king

Let's all go to
The magician's birthday
It's in a forest
But not so far away
Much to do
And so much to say
While we listened to
The orchid orchestra play

Happy Birthay to you ...
Happy Birthday to magician
Happy Birthday to you ...

Then at the dead of midnight
As we watched the dancing firelight
The air grew cold
And seemed to dull the flame
The fire died
The music faded
Filled with fear of death we waited
For now we knew
Some evil was to blame

I challenge you
I challenge you all
For all you own
And all you know
And by all the powers of darkness
I will steal what is mine

Surrender now or face my spite
I grant you it may be Friday night
But did you know this day
Also numbers thirteen

First I'll give you fire
I turn your fire into a sleepy stream
Yes, now I give you nightmares
From your horror I'll create a dream

You cannot fight me
For I have the sword of hate
But one thing you can't see
My answer is simply
An impenetrable fortress
Of love ... love ... love ...

The fear went as quickly as it came
The air was clear
The fire burned again
The flames leapt
The organ played
The swans sang
To greet the day
And then we knew that
Love will find love will find love ..

JokeLauantai 10.12.2005 21:34

I started a joke,
which started the whole world crying,
but I didn't see
that the joke was on me, oh no.

I started to cry,
which started the whole world laughing.
Oh, if I'd only seen
that the joke was on me.

I looked at the skies,
running my hands
over my eyes,
and I fell out of bed,
hurting my head
from things that I'd said.

Til I finally died,
which started the whole world living.
Oh, if I'd only seen
that the joke was on me.

I looked at the skies,
running my hands
over my eyes,
and I fell out of bed,
hurting my head
from things that I'd said.

Til I finally died,
which started the whole world living.
Oh, if I'd only seen, oh yeah,
that the joke was one me, oh no,
that the joke was one me, oooooh.

NarniaKeskiviikko 07.12.2005 22:40

Hei Mirandos! Herra Mirandos! Herra Mirandos sinä oot menossa takas Narniaa vai? Ai tapaamaan Aslania? No sano minulta terveisiä ja muista että olen Asfalttiprinssi. Ainiin joo Sano Hectoriltakin terveisiä.
Niin joo sano myöskin että vaatekaapin ovet vähän narisevat ja muista että siellä on ikuinen talvi. Pue lämpimästi päälle ai mmiks mä sulle itsestään selvyyksiä sulle sanon. Kysy myös että milloin me ihmiset voidaan palata takas Narniaa? Ja muista että lumi voi tehdä enkelin eteiseen.

:(Sunnuntai 04.12.2005 18:14

The wall on which the prophets wrote
Is cracking at the seams.
Upon the instruments if death
The sunlight brightly gleams.
When every man is torn apart
With nightmares and with dreams,
Will no one lay the laurel wreath
As silence drowns the screams.

Between the iron gates of fate,
The seeds of time were sown,
And watered by the deeds of those
Who know and who are known;
Knowledge is a deadly friend
When no one sets the rules.
The fate of all mankind I see
Is in the hands of fools.

Confusion will be my epitaph.
As I crawl a cracked and broken path
If we make it we can all sit back
and laugh.
But I fear tomorrow I'll be crying,
Yes I fear tomorrow I'll be crying.

Joku päivä elämässäMaanantai 28.11.2005 17:57

Päivä oli ihan syvältä. Vikan tunnin maikka oli kunnon mäkättäjä. En pidä hänestä ollenkaan. Oon väsynyt koska ajatukset olivat muualla kuin skolessa esim Harry Potterissa.

IhanaaPerjantai 25.11.2005 22:50

Ihanaa kun alkaa viikonloppu ja saa nukkuu niin pitkään kuin haluu ja valvoo kans. Oon niin onnellinen mutta tyhmää kun isä laitto Tv maailman pois kun siinä oli Potterista. Enkä saa sitä enään koskaan takas.
- Vanhemmat »