


Well I want a better place, or just a better way to fall.

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Are you Goku obsessed? Here is a list to see if you really are a Goku obsessie.

[ ] You truly believe you can do the move Kamehameha...

[x] You see anything with a picture of Goku on it and you freak out

[x] You see anything with the word Goku on it and you freak out

[x] Goku is your hero

[x] You wish you were Goku

[ ] You're thinking about naming your child Goku...(lasketaanko koiran nimi??)

[ ] You eat a carrot everything since it reminds you of Goku's real name Kakarot

[ ] You want to, or have already, changed your name to Goku

[ ] You wear orange gi, a blue undershirt, blue wistbands, and matching boots where ever you go. (Who cares if you've been wearing the same thing for years.)

[ ] You smile all the time, even when you aren't happy.

[x] You start to eat a lot.

[ ] You have so many pictures of Goku in your (room, binder, etc) that you can't even keep track of them anymore.

[x] You agree with the following:
- Goku is the best character on the show
- Goku has always been stronger than Vegeta
- Goku is better than Vegeta
- Goku is better than everyone!

[ ] You carry around a picture of Goku where ever you go.

-[x] You have become a very, very kind, compasionate and understending person xDD nojaa
[ x] You always make sure your friends don't get into trouble
[ X ] You think about Goku all the time
[x] Goku is your model in life
[x] You wish you could form a family similar to Goku's
[x] You would sacrifice your life anytime for your friends or family
...(en tajunnu O_O) You would use your love for your friends and family in order to overcome the obstacles you encounter, the same way Goku does
[x] You wish for world peace
[x] You see the qualities in people
[XX] You cringed inside every time Goku died in the series
[x] You've colected every possible Goku pictures/posters/stickers
[] (en niitä kamalan rumia halua!) You bought all possible Goku action-figures
[x] You have a website dedicated to Goku
[] Your nickname is Goku or his name is in your e-mail address
[] (xDD) You try to do your hair like Goku
[.......] You smile like Goku
[ ] (mahdotonta! Bakas!!) You workout every day so you can become as strong as Goku

(from !Saiyan rivalry")

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