



Will my heart SurvivePerjantai 19.02.2010 11:42

Will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
The love of my life, oh baby
Will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
Keep this love alive.

I am lonely, alone again.
Is this really just the moment where it ends?
A fallen angel, a broken dream.
Will it end now, like an old movie scene?
I know for sure, my dreams come true.
Can't you see, what hope can do?

Oh, will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
The love of my life, oh baby
Will my heart survive.
My love is here, but you are gone.
Keep this love alive.

It's not easy, just one more try.
Is this really just the moment where clouds do fly?
I am sorry - please take your time.
Oh, you'll never find a bigger love than mine.
Oh, please don't go, don't break my heart.
I miss you so, don't tear apart

Oh, Will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
The love of my life, oh baby
Will my heart survive?
My love is here, but you are gone.
Keep this love alive.

Will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
The love of my life, oh baby
Will my heart survive?
I know you are the only one.
The love of my life, oh baby
Will my heart survive?

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