
Uusimmat blogimerkinnät

quizTiistai 08.04.2008 00:05

Did you date anyone this past summer?

How many people can you truly trust?

Does anyone like you?
well,my friends.

What were you doing an hour ago?
i was eating.

Ten minutes ago?
looking pics from myspace.

What does your last text message in your inbox say and from who?
from kreetta and it says he DID spit.

What were you doing friday night?
i was at the stable and sat home lonely and bored.

Do you wear your seatbelt in your car?
i used to but now i always forget it 8)

Next vacation you are going on?
spainnnn in the summer 8) it's gonna be loads of fun!

Have you ever had a pool?
in spain we do.

Does your profile song have any meaning to it? (myspace)
no,it's just danny's laugh :D

Are you smart?
well usually.

What is something you really want right now, honestly?
all the arguments could fuck off.

What are you thinking about?

Last thing you laughed about?
i dunno something silly.

Do you like to call or text more?
both are okay.

Could you forgive your best friend for sleeping with your bf/gf?
i can't say,it depends.

Are you afraid of being cheated on?
yes.sometimes i get really paranoid about it.

Why or why not?
i'd feel so bad.

Is there anyone you hate?
hell yeah!

What was the last thing you bought?
a bus ticket.

Last store you bought something from?

Who did you last talk to on the phone for over 20 minutes?

Where will you be in one hour?
in the living room watching californication.

Are you short?
yes.or well depends on who am i standing next to 8)

Could you date someone taller then you?

When was the last time something bothered you?

How do you feel about your hair right now?
i'd like to cut it but it's usually it looks ugly.

How many people did you hug today?
none.or one.

Have you ever had someone sing to you?

How old do you want to be when you have kids?
old enough but still young 8)

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