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We're all dressed up and ready for our date- So whats up lads?
Tom: I'd come and meet you in my car, nice and casual.
Danny: i wouldn't mind meeting you at your house- It's funny meeting parents

Luckily our parents are out- But isn't it scary meetin parents?
Dougie: Not really but please dont meet me dressed as a clown, thats scary- or have a cheeky beard
Harry: Or hairy legs!

What would make a great first impression?
Danny: Be naked! I find it funny.
Tom: No just wear something comfy and casual, nothing to revealing or try-hard.

We can't see flowers under your arm...Aww You've brought us something haven't you!
Harry: Nah, not for a first date. You might think it was naff. I didn't want to risk it
Dougie: I'll bring you a guinie pig next time!

Err.. Thanks! have you bought girls sappy gifts in the past?
Harry: yeah a teddy, it's an easy choice, a bit lame.
Dougie: I gave a girl a necklace one, that was a bit sappy

Well, we've bought you some flowers...
Tom: Thanks alot it's really awkward though, I haven't gotten you anything I really wouldn't want a gift
Danny: I hate flowers i know it's random but I'd like some candles, as soon as I get home I light loads of smelly candles

Maybe next time... are you flirting with us or should that be our Job?
Danny: As soon as I saw you the charm was switched on!
Harry: I dont ever flirt, but Dougie aint as shy as he makes out!
Dougie: You can tell when I'm flirting, I'l be smaking your Bum

So where are we going on this hot date?
Tom: We're going to see a musical called Wicked, It's amazing, I've seen it six times, and im going to sing along, word for word.
Danny: I'm taking you to watch Bolton wonderers at the reebok stadium i get good seats so it'll be impressive, but i have to warn you, I sometimes have to swear!

It'll take alot to beat those two dates!
Dougie: Hang on! I'm taking you to abby roads studios to listen to us play, thats cool or the Zoo is good.
Harry: I'm better then Dougie, once I booked a girl in for a hair cut and colouring and facial and then theatre in the evening, Girls love that stuff!

Yes! Would any of you meet us if it was a blinde date?
Tom: No I dont think so. I'd have to find out more about you. You might be like some weird strange person.

Well we're having a lovely time so far, are you paying for everything?
Danny: No but I'll probably end up paying anyways, I always do.
Tom: Dont worry it's my treat if I take a girl out- I pay but you should offer to pay at least so I know you're not taking me for a ride

Oh no, all your mates have just turned up- you're not going to start ignoring us now, are you?
Dougie: Yeah, see ya, I'm off down the road with the lads! No, I'll try getting rid of my mates, they'll start taking the Mickey.

So how are you gonna make us feel super-special?
Dougie: I told one girl she looked like a guy from the band New Found Glory, So I'm not that good at complimenting girls!
Harry: I wont do anything cheesy, i think too many compliments are corny.

But we want a bit of Romance!
Dougie: I've taken a girl to Paris, it wasn't about seeing the sights of Paris, it was all about the Hotel, I dont think I got Chamagne and Strawberries on room service though- I was probably underage.
Harry: Dougie is the slyest dog you'll ever meet, everone says he's sweet but if only they knew the truth!

Does that mean we'll be getting a panting slobbery kiss at the end of the date?
Dougie:A kiss is fine but I wouldn't try anything else because I wouldn't want to end up blowing it with you, I'd stare deep in your eyes... and go in for a snog!
Tom: I'm romantic, I'd take you for a nice walk after a meal then we can go get some coffee, Maybe we can kiss in the car on the way back home- Just not when I'm driving of course! i think it's alright to Full-on kiss on the first date.
Harry: Well you know it hasn't gone well if I just shake your hand! If i really connect with you then I'm just gonna kiss you!
Danny: I dont kiss on first dates, I will if you go in for it first, other then that Ill wait that way when we finally do it'll be more epic.

Sounds like the perfect end to a fab date!
Danny: yeah i wouldn't even mind if you texted me 10 minutes after we've been on the date- Thats sweet, but if you text me "I want your babies" then I'm running away!
Tom: I've had fun, you're the first date to ever get me flowers.
Dougie: And I reckon i might send you a saucy text!

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