


fb:ssä tino kinnunen

Children of Bodom - Punch me I bleedTorstai 25.06.2009 20:33

From the reign I've built
Of shame and guilt
I go back and take a look,
At myself and what
I have done so far
At the bridge he's lying waiting till light.

No choice to go
Backward, it was
Okay, shatter us
You're too cold to swing by

Going down I walk, my way to hell
In to the obscurity
Obliterating you in every way
With my life's insanity

Battered up again
I'm going right inside
Curled up like a fly
Wonder ways to kill the pain and
What doesn't kill you will only make you pissed off

Sweep back to kill
The pain make it go away
So long to pack your shot at me
'Cause when you punch me, I bleed


No choice to go
Backward, inwards
Okay generous
You're to cross the chamber

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