


Joo, kattoa laittaako uusia kuvia ollenkaan :p ja jos sitä aktiivisemmin olisi täällä :)

Lainattua.. mutta asiaa!Sunnuntai 23.09.2007 15:54

I hate myself and my way of life
This time it makes me bleed from inside
'Cause I was too weak to stand by your side
...And now it's too late for me to say goodbye

Crying into the night,
That's the only thing that I can do
'Cause now those wings of darkness are holding...

I blame myself and this choice of mine
Sometimes I just can't make things right
When I turn around and look into your eyes
I know that dreams, they will die

Crying into the night,
That's the only thing that I can do
'Cause now those wings of darkness are holding...

Black swan of death
The game has come to the end

--- Diablo --- Black Swan ----

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