


Fail and try again

A ManTorstai 10.02.2011 22:51

We see a man, someone who has been alone for many years.

He walks by a river, now red by its color.

He stops and glances into the distance.

His eyes seem empty. Sadness is behind them.

He stands there for exactly one minute.

Then his head drops on his chest.

A tear, something he hasnÂ’t seen for many years, slides from his eye and drops on his rifle.

He is a soldier. But where is the war? Is there war?

No. ThereÂ’s only war in our minds. And our minds are hallucinating at all times.

He knows this, so his hold on his rifle thickens and his hands grow because of the power he possesses.

He looks up, says a word. ItÂ’s starting to rain. A prayer where he at the same time thanks God and curses Him to hell.

Then his eyes drop on the same level with the horizon and his face becomes like a wall of rock again. Then he takes a step forwards and his face turns to hatred and pain.

He curses. A simple, yet effective word evolves from inside. PER-KE-LE! He shouts.

Then he takes another step, and another, and another. His walk becomes faster. It becomes run.

He is Finnish. From the land of deep emotions hidden by everyone. He had to survive his childhood there, and he damn right survives any step anyone puts in his way, even if itÂ’s Gods step.

His heart beats stronger than ever, his veins enlarge, he breathes deep and strong.

His vision sharpens, his hearing perfects, the clouds in his mind diffuse.

He feels clear but empty. He desires something, something to fill the holes in his mind. So he goes to war, once again, to fill them.


Please, tell your HONEST opinion of it! I can take criticism. (Lies. LIES!)

Please do not distribute my work without my permission. If you like to use it on/in something please ask me first, as long as it's nonprofitable and I get featured, I can almost promise you that I will allow you to use my work.

Oh, my ego! It has really grown! Thinking that someone would use my miserable work... (Fishing for empathy points..! : D)

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