


is madly, deeply in love - music, art and everything oh so smart ;)
I could die tonight , just to know that it's real - to me

Life is a path, what never ends - before you won't expect it anymore

I got a black soul, babe,
I got a soul which rythm and beat makes me feel alive
seem others dead in my eyes.
I got a wise mind what tries to hold the soul,
but is that wise to know it's impossible,
'cause i'm in love with my dark and husky side,

some day I turn my back on (your) kindness and all that guidens which ones shake me and gave life a purpoise.

Once you step on this shit and your going to trip,
so then are you tough enough to hold on yourself and not lose it on me

I can make you bleed, honey,
I can make you see the stars,
my world is is ups and downs,
not holding a one,
always split in two, three or once more.

They say never happy, never satisfied, longin' something
what U or I hide.

Still there's a reason why not to speak bad,
like I always had.
There's always silver lining in each of my clouds,
the one which makes smiling
world go round and round with laughter
those funny sounds,
which make your downs seem like
tears of clowns.

I always had something in my mind
made me sleep with,
full of joy
or weep
feel that weak
given those dreams
things to keep

If I had something,
I can't get it anymore
anxious about it

I need my fix
I need my kicks
Need those dreams
: roles to play
games to stay in
Losing myself
in my daydreams
turns of nightfight
to feel satisfied

Been hurt a lot
understand not
that's the way to keep
my dreamy nightmares for irl

Never been here
always been there
that way I won
Left alone
love gone
hurtburned to pieces
just to get strong

When you see smiling through crying
oh love
it's not failing nor crazyness
it's just way of fleeing,
feeling good in misery
true tears of clowns.

_ FlowerStone_

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