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Often when you see people who were once very close and have later moved on to part ways, you think what could've gone so terribly wrong between them that they can't even stand each other now?
Can a friendship that starts with a 'no sorry, no thank you' rule and reaches the 'friends forever' stage end on such a bitter note?

Broken friendships are very hard to fix but sometimes we just have to believe that everything will be okay in the end.

I lost the one person I never thought I could lose.

Caring was the only thing I ever did when we were friends. The minute you turned your back is the minute I realized I deserved better.

It's tough when your friend begins to ignore you. It's even tougher to pretend you don't mind

It breaks my heart to see the person who I thought was my best friend, forget about me, lie to me, ignore me and just leave me alone without a warning.

Friendship is like a glass ornament, once it is broken, it can rarely be put back together in exactly the same way.

Sometimes you have to give up on people. Not because you don't care, but because they don't.

Every friendship goes through its good and bad phases, but remember that you can make a difference by taking the first step and bridging the gap.

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