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InnuendoTorstai 10.07.2008 01:52


The cellar was damp and moisture seeped in through cracks in the dark plaster while the floor above felt warm and pleasantly humid. I opened the chest to satisfy my curiosity. There was a sound from upstairs and I froze. My noisy entry had apparently aroused someoneÂ’s interest. Past the crocked doorway I could discern shadows emerging from the steep stairwell leading to the cellar. It was a woman that I saw and my face twisted into a grin when I noticed that she only wore light clothes to please the eye. Her big bosom jumped up and down with her steps but her body was fit from exercise. She had long dark hair that reached below her shoulders and a peasant butt that had known firm hands.
“Ah… I have a visitor,” she recoiled as I stepped into view from behind old wine barrels. “A very hot visitor indeed,” leering I racked my fingers through my greasy black hair. She stood frozen in the doorway for some time. “Who are you?” She finally managed with a weak voice. “This is my family property you should not be here!” Her accent was that of an eastern European beauty. I gave a show of inspecting my surroundings as if I had not noticed earlier where I was. “Some place you got here darling, some place. Probably as humid as you are wet right now”. She was shocked by my obviously slimy remark and had to take time to compose herself. Clearly she had not expected to be met in such a way. “What are you going to do to me?” There was fright in her voice but she stood firm. “Are you a molester of women or a thief?
I took a step in her direction and altered my leer to some extent to express friendliness. I then looked her in the eyes and answered in a serious tone, “I am not”. She seemed to relax just a bit but there remained the obvious tension when meeting a stranger in your cellar spouting vile words. “I’m a friend of your brothers’. We had some dealings in the past and I thought to visit. I never expected you to be such a lambkin from the little your brothers told of you. Are you perhaps married? I guess it does not matter.
“You know my brothers?” There was anger in the voice. “What has that to do with you breaking-in and speaking filth to me? Leave this house!” My face was neutral now and I turned away from her to examine the chest again. I soon found what I had been seeking and closed the lid with a thud. Her stare was incredulous. “What are you doing? You are a thief after all!”
“Now calm down, pretty one. This is what they owed me and I now have possession. I would like to possess you, as well, but perhaps you are not my type”. With that I walked past her and went for the stairs. She turned around and took hold of my arm. “Why are you doing this?” She had obviously lost understanding of the situation. “I do not understand, come back!”
I turned around one last time, “perhaps some things are not to be understood”. With that I was gone.

We meet again

The air was humid after the rain. Walking past street vendors and the grey mass of strangers I finally stopped in front of a large building with a beautifully ornamented façade. I did not know much about architecture but it seemed to be very old perhaps from hundreds of years back and old masonry at its best. On ground level a café sprawled the entire lower floor with plenty of space outside as well under planted trees. There she sat as I knew she would, at a table beneath a big oak, that dark haired beauty surveyed the street. She noticed my characteristic leer and her eyes centered on my handsome form. “Ah, my sexual appetite is so easily satiated when I but glance at you shortly. Have those grown bigger while I was away, I can’t tell. Perhaps I should try them out…”
“You are so perverted, you know that don’t you,” she waved me to sit. “I’m sorry; your form brings those things forth in me”. A girl in a dark apron approached the table. We both ordered. She wanted a café latte while I went for the midday special with roasted salmon in cream sauce and roasted potatoes. To wash down all that I wanted a big soft drink on the rocks.
“I thought we were here for coffee”. I looked up from my food, “maybe you were Jonna, maybe you”. She gave a start from hearing me call her by name.

The Hotel District Vagabond

“Aah that felt good”. I leaned back in the bathtub and took a glass of champagne from the nearby table. Sipping it I touched the bare flesh of the woman beside me. All of a sudden it felt good to just rise and get out so that was what I did. She gave a start and began after me until she remembered her nudity and started looking for her clothes thrown around in haste before sexual confrontation. I was out the door and soon on the street a few floors below. It felt so good that I wanted to roar. It was not the fact that I had done her, but the invigorating feeling of closeness and the well-being resulting from it. My path led me to a quaint quarter of town with lots of small cafés and clubs lining the narrow streets. There a sign caught my eye reading: “The JB Experience”. A wide high-ceiling corridor led me to a huge chamber with throbbing lights and powerful music. The heavy bass tones almost seemed to vibrate through the body as they filled the room with a groovy mood befitting a classy trance joint. By long paces I reached a bar and took in the menu of drinks written in fancy letters on slate behind the desk. Two gorgeous specimens took positions on my right appearing to browse the drinks list. They wore the usual attire ornamented with expensive jewelry no doubt bought to them by their rich boyfriends. Their lips were both thinly yet very purposefully glossed to radiate sexuality. I knew their type and shifted my attention to the barman mixing drinks a few paces away. “Hey pal!” He leaned in to take my order for a blue lagoon and then turned around to mix the ingredients. Apparently attracted to me by my tone of voice the two women addressed themselves to me. “Hey there”, it was obvious that they were used to guys licking them up and expected me to jump up in joy for their attention. “Hello,” I answered simply. “Are you perhaps sisters when you keep looking at each other all the time?” The question shocked them a bit and they looked at each other, then they laughed, noticing what they had just done.
The barman brought forth my drink and I sipped it affectionately. Turning around a bit I checked out the other action going on in the club. The track had changed but otherwise the mood remained the same. The melody paced down a notch and the pleasant sound of long strings reverberated through the bass and synthesizers in perfect conjunction. It was one of those: “wave your arms around and listen to the hot female vocalist sing”, moments that always felt you feel so small compared to the big world around.
My attention was jerked back to myself and the girls. “Could you buy us drinks?” Both smiled in that so familiar way when fishing after free drinks. “Alright,” I said at last, “if you would do me a small favor”. Their eyes dilated and they seemed to consider. After a time they asked almost in perfect unison, “what would that be?” They no longer smiled but they had yet to reveal their bitchiness if they had any, you could never say for sure. “Lick me in the ear and say you love me”. They reacted explosively and as predicted. “Get lost! No way! You are a sick bastard!” It was such a huge transformation that even I had not expected it. Some of the people closest to us turned around to look and I gave them wide smiles for the fun of it. The girls were stunned by my lack of reaction and they rounded up on me for some reason and demanded to know why I had said that. They just did not understand. “Lick it and you’ll find out,” I told them. What happened next had not been anticipated although it was one of many possible outcomes of such situations. “I love you, me too”, I felt something warm and wet in my ear and jerked back. “What’s wrong with you women?” “But we…” they were baffled.
“Now come here!” I reached my arms around them and pulled them in close kissing one of them randomly. A small smiled also played on my face. They were still dislodged but played along. They suggested we go somewhere private but I was not ready for that. This club was awesome and I meant to enjoy it. Nonetheless we did get it on later that night and boy it felt good… as usual.

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