


är inte din mamma?
"...As you begin the game, Mickey marches out onto the screen in front of a giant "TO THE FUNHOUSE" sign alone. He turns sharply and issues the call that only lovers do. "MINNIE!" She quickly runs onto the screen. Mickey says nothing else and just turns around, walking towards the fun house. Obviously, the beatings have finally taken their toll on Minnie, crippling her mind permanently to the point where she can no longer exhibit free will. As you play the game you'll notice she just mimics your movements and can barely do anything without your instruction. She doesn't ever smile, and if she does so she does it nervously. Since you move like your knees have taken a few hits from a baseball bat it can be assumed she fought back a couple times...."

Mä putoon aina ku luen ton arvostelun.. xD

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