


T r o u b l e m a k e r

MaterialistiPerjantai 31.10.2008 18:01

Mul on levyi:

*Adele - 19
*Avril Lavigne - The best damn thing
*Britney Spears - Greatest hits
*Foo Fighters - One by one
*Foo Fighters - Echoes, silence, patience&grace
*Grease Soundtrack
*Guns n' Roses - Greatest hits
*Ida Maria - Fortress rounf my heart
*Johnny Cash - The ultimate collection (3 levyä)
*Juno Soundtrack
*Justice - cross
*Katy Perry - One of the boys
*Mad Sin - Dead moon's calling
*McFly - Wonderland
*McFly - Radio:Active
*My Chemical Romance - I brought you my bullets, you brought me your love
*Panic at the disco - Pretty odd
*Reaggae hits

Mul on myös kirjoi:

-Jane Austen - Emma
-Jane Austen - Mansfield park
-Paulo Coelho - The fifth mountain
-Paulo Coelho - Veronika decides to die
-Karen Joy Fowler - Jane Austen book club
-Louise Rennison - ...Then he ate my boy entrancers
-Josie Lloyds & Emlyn Rees - The boy next door (LUKEKAA KAIKKI!!)
-Jane Elmor - My vintage summer
-Kerry Cohen - Loose Girl
-Zoey Dean - The A-list Beverly Hills high
-Jacqueline Wilson - The Diamond girls


plus leffalistaan yks: She's all that/Sinussa on se jokin<3.

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