


under everything just another human being

Te amo demasiadoSunnuntai 30.03.2008 22:32

Oh, my life is changing everyday, every possible way.
Though my dreams, itÂ’s never quite as it seems,
never quite as it seems.

I know I felt like this before,
but now IÂ’m feeling it even more -
because it came from you.

Then I open up and see, the person fumbling here is me..
A different way to be.

I want more, impossible to ignore,
impossible to ignore.
TheyÂ’ll come true, impossible not to do,
impossible not to do.

Now I tell you openly: you have my heart so donÂ’t hurt me..
For what I couldnÂ’t find.

Talk to me, amazing mind,
so understanding and so kind..
YouÂ’re everything to me.

Oh my life is changing everyday, every possible way.
Though my dreams, itÂ’s never quite as it seems..
Â’cause youÂ’re a dream to me.

Dream to me.

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